Chapter 15

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It's been a hard few months. Or it could have been only days, it's hard to tell. Esme was in Egypt trying to get Amun, I sent Rosalie and Emmett to England to collect Garrett. Alice and Jasper went to get a few of their friends while Bella, Edmund, Geneva, and I went to Alaska to talk to the Denali clan.

The Denali's didn't take too kindly to the twins. With what happened to their mother centuries ago, I wasn't surprised. Thankfully, though, they all agreed to come back with us.

Back at the house, it seemed as if everyone that I had planned on coming actually came. They all knew the sacrifice they were making, even Alastor knew and came. He didn't take to well to crowds so he stayed in the attic most of the time. Luckily enough, they all agreed not to hunt in the area, too. They all knew and respected my way of life. I knew they wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me.

All seemed to be going well, but one morning, Sam came to the house with a  letter from Alice and Jasper. All it said was too gather as many followers as we could and they will come when the snow starts to stick. I hoped they were okay. I would never forgive myself if something happened to them because of me.

As the snow started to stick, Bella became more worried. Being a vampire mother couldn't be easy. She was constantly keeping an eye on the twins, and they knew something was up, but had enough sense not to ask.

"Bella, come here," I said one night as we tucked in the twins.

She got up off of Ed's bed and followed me into my office. I closed the door and looked her in the eyes. She needed to hunt, but refused to take her eyes off the kids.

"You need to hunt, Bella," I told her sweetly.

She started to protest, but I cut her off. "How are you supposed to watch over the kids if  you are so thirsty?"

She was quiet for a moment, trying to think of an argument. When she couldn't find one, she sighed and stepped towards the open window. I followed. Rose would take care of the kids for us. She is after all their godmother. The days leading up to the battle or the showdown, I didnt' know which, made Rose watch over Gen and Ed even more than Bella did, so I knew she would have no problem watching them 24/7 until we got back.


Hope you like it, just a filler.

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