Chapter 16

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The snow was starting to stick, meaning that soon the Voltaire would be here to kill us all. The twins looked like they were about 7 years old now, but in reality they were only about 6 months give or take. Everyone that was supposed to come loved the twins, they were all happy that I found someone special, even Esme. I felt bad for doing what I did to her, but she met someone new when I sent her to get Amun, and he came.

Edward hasn't been seen in a long time, which made me feel happy and scared. Also a little upset since he was the first companion I made in this life. I thought we had a special bond, but evidently not. As of right now, everyone was on the way to a field that Alice had told us about before she and jasper left. No one knew why, but they must have done it to protect us somehow. I know Bella misses Alice. Alice could always make Bella smile with her quirky outgoing and just crazy ways.

“They're coming,” Emmett said as I heard them running.

I nodded absentmindedly. I was too focused killing Aro to really hear what everyone was saying.

“Carlisle, my friend, how are you?” Aro asked sweetly. I growled softly, but forced a polite tone to my voice when I answered.

“Could be better if you just turn around and leave now.”

He laughed. “Now Carlisle, can't we simply talk?”

When trees can dance, I thought.

“If that's all we're going to do then yes,” I said. “How about meeting me in the center, and talking like we used to.”

Without a word, Aro Marcus and Caius walked to the center. I took Bella's hand in my right and my son's hand in my left while Bella held onto our daughter's hand. Emmett was following with Jacob. It felt comforting that the two have my back.

“Well, is this the kids?” Caius asked not me but Edward. I hadn't seen him there as they were walking.

He nodded with a sneer.

“You have broken the law, Carlisle,” Caius said.

“I have done nothing of the sort. This is my son and daughter. Bella is their mother. They are a part of me and Bella.”

Aro and Caius looked at me with doubt. Marcus just listened. As I told the whole story, Ciaus and Aro's smile got bigger and bigger, as if it were a bad joke.

“This is a terrible joke, Carlisle,” Aro said with a chuckle. Edward smiled behind them.

I held out my hand and looked straight at Aro. “Here, look for yourself.”

He took my hand and saw. Then he backed away in shock, dropping my hand. I saw shock come across Edward's face too, before hiding behind repulsion. It felt good to see the shock on their faces for a change.

“They are half human, half vampire,” Edward said, “They won't be able to remain hidden in the world.”

Bella growled deeply at her ex, daring all of them to take one step towards her children. Then, Ed fell to the ground in a scream. I looked to see Jane back at the group smiling at my struggling son. Jacob growled and started forward, but I raised a hand to stop him. Emmett was about to spring at her too. Bella tried to casually lend him a shield, but it didn't work. However, soon, he got up and hissed at Jane. Then she was the one that was screaming.

Everyone stood there shocked. This was his power, to use any power that was hit at him back at the owner of the power. Then a black cloud started towards him. But Jane's brother froze. Gen was staring straight at him with an Icy glow to her eyes, that was her power too. To freeze people by looking at them.

“Stop you idiots!” Caius shouted and went to slap Gen, but Jacob jumped in the way. The two wrestled as Jane and her brother collected themselves.

“Enough!” I shouted. “We didn't come to fight. I came to prove to you, Aro that they are my children, and I have done that. So if you will excuse us, we have to get going.”

Aro nodded. “We will not fight, today. Just don't make us come back, Carlisle.”

“What! No, this isn't what I agreed to!” Edward growled and shot towards Bella.

However, I jumped at him and knocked him off balance. He struggled to move as I held onto his head with both hands, getting ready to kill him.

“Carlisle, no.”

Alice was walking towards us with Jasper. I wanted to kill him, though. A wave of control hit me, and I loosened my grip on his head, but still held onto it.

“Not yet.” Alice said to me, then turned to Aro. “Do you really want this in your army, Aro? He won't hold up to his part of the deal. I know it. “ She held out a hand for Aro to take. After it was finished, he looked at Edward.

“Such a prize, but a pity.” He looked at me.

I took that as a go ahead and kill him, so I tore off his head. A guard had a torch in hand and came running over to light Edward up. The twins had buried their head in Jacob's fur as he watched with a happy look in his eyes. It hurt me to kill Edward, but I couldn't let him hurt my family. He had to be killed.

Bella was watching him burn with a sad look, like she too was sorry it happened. After all, she spent over a year with him, being his girlfriend. I walked over and took her hand. She gave a small grin before turning back to watch him burn.

“Good bye Carlisle.” Aro said as him and the rest of the Volturi left.

Maybe now me and Bella can finally live in peace forever. Not likely, by the way Alice is smiling, but hopfully.

I don't konw if this is the end or not. Let me think about it. And sorry I haven't updated this one in a long time. Ive been really busy with things.

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