Chapter 11

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Carlisle's POV



            “Carlisle, maybe you were too late,” Jacob suggested furiously on the second day that Bella was 'asleep' as I called it.

I understood why Jacob would be angry. I steal the woman he loves from Edward and him, but I didn't plan this. Alice told me that Jacob will get over his hostilitly towards me in time. We both knew that he would, but with Charlie against me, Edward hating me, Esme leaving forever just because she can't stand to see Bella and I together, and now Jacob and the wolf pack hating me because I got Bella pregnant and stole Jacob's love; I was at the end of my ropes.

All I could do was hope that once Bella woke up, everything would be back to normal. Edward would still hate me, Esme wouldn't ever come around, but maybe Jacob, Charlie, and the wolf pack might. At least I still had Alice, Jasper, Rosalie, and Emmett, so it wasn't a total loss.

The last thing I wanted to do was give up on Bella, and have her oldest friend give up. I shook my head, never taking my eyes off of my daughter, who was sleeping in my arms. Though I had held my boy before, I spent most of the time holding my daughter because she looks almost idenical to Bella with the exception of her hair. It was golden blonde like mine. She and her brother were two days old, but they looked like they were two or three months old instead. It was unusual.

“Jacob, we dont' know how long she will be asleep. We have to have faith,” I told him, looking him in the eye for a minute. His eyes betrayed his heart. His eyes were full of heartbreak and saddness. I had a hard time looking at him, so it's easy to see how annoyed and pained Jasper has looked these past couple of days. “Come here.”

He stayed where he was. “You dont' want to face the truth. It's been two days, Carlisle.” Jacob half shouted. He was silent for a minute, then added, “You killed her.” He voice was hard to listen to with the break in it.

“Come over here, Jacob.”

He slowly made his way over to me and my daughter. Her eyes were just opening, and Jacob was furious. Although, his anger melted away when he saw her. He sank to his knees with an odd, adoring look on his face. I knew what just happened and was happy because I knew my daughter has someone amazing to protect her, but I knew Bella wouldn't like it.

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