Chapter 1

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Bella's POV

****Dont' own the characters.

That;s it. I've had it wiht him. Edward wont trust me around Jacob. He keeps tryingto protect me when I dont' need protecting. Jacob isn't dangerous. I walked to my truck ignoring the barks of the pack and the growling of the wolves gradually decline. I took off my jacket and held it to my stomach trying to stop the bleeding. Why did Edward push me into the rocks? Oh yeah because he is jealous.

According to the text I got from Alice this morning, Carlisle would be in his office. I aways hated it when I got those sort of texts and I didn't find out until later what the text means. She also said that everyone else would be out hunting. That made me feel better because i really didnt' want to explain to everyone why I was bleeding again. This time though, it wasnt' my fault. As i neared the Cullen house, I saw a figure by the door. No doubt that Alice texted him. I sighed and shut my truck off. It took my a good five minutes to get up to the door where Carlisle was waiting. I think he knew that I wouldn't let him carry me in the house.

"What happened?" He asked stepping aside to let me in.

I groaned at the memeory. "Edward got jealous and protective when I go tto close to Jake when he phased and pushed me aside straight into a pile of sharp rocks. Luckily Jasper was with us because there'd be more blood loss than jus mine." I said miseralbly. Carlisle chuckled and picked me up. Strangely enlough it felt comfortable and safe in his arms. In two seconds flat we were in his office and I was sitting on his desk, or rather laying on his desk while he peeled away my gray shirt soaked in blood.

"My God Bella, you lost a lot of blood. Do you feel wozzy or anything?" He asked looking at my dark red t-shit.

I shook my head bored like. This was getting old, me getting hurt and Carlisle stiching me up. I knew I shoould be in pain given how bad it is, but I dont feel any pain at all. Just the need to kiss someone. I mentally slapped myself. Carlisle is  happily married to a wonderful woman. What  if they are having trouble? Loook at his face. Reducltantly, I looked at his face and his eyes. Usually, his face was all calma dn happy treating people, but today it was dull and sad.

"Somehting wrong Carlisle?" I asked trying not to act nosy.

He nodded, but was quiet for a while so I wondered if he decided not to tell me.

"Esme and I arent' doing so good. Something is missing from our life. True Love maybe. I don't know, but it's really starting to freak me out. " he finnaly said.

Poor Carlisle. He is missing love.

"There all done, but you;ll need to stay here so I can keep an eye on you fo rthe week. Im sure Alice is fixing it with Charlie right now." He said with a hint of ammusment. I nodded a little pained as he helped me up. I'm starting to feel the pain now, great.

I dont know why I did it. Maybe it was because Carlisle gave me a shot of morphine before he started to work on stomach, but I kissed him. And the scary thing is, I liked it. What's worse, is that he kissed me back. What was happining to us? i mean we both were happy with our mates. Okay, maybe not joyfully happy, but satisfied happy.

We stood there for a good two minutes kissing. Then my phone rang and we regretfully broke apary. I had a good feeling it was Alice. Yep, it is. Why am I not surprised?

Your all set to stay with us. Everyone but Carlisle is going to stay in Alaska for a week or two because its suposed to be sunny and plus the blood. I'll be by your house in a little bit getting clothes and everything. Ill be at the house in an hour. Stay safe.

I laughed at the text. Caralisle looked at me strangly and I just showed him the text. He couldn't help but laugh too.

"Good ol' Alice," He chuckled.

"So, we have an hour to do whatever we want?" I mentioned smugly. The grin on Carlisle's face got wider as he leaned in for a nother kiss.

We spent the next hour laying on the couch kissing, only stopping in time as Alice walked through the door.

"Hi!" She greeted cherrily.

I waved with a small smile. Carlilse stood up and sat on the arm of the couchwaiting for Alice to get started. She sat my two bags of clothes at my feet then sat in on the couch opposite.

"Now, I hate to admit it, but I've known this was going to happen the first time that Edward laid eyes on you, Bella. It's never changed. And it doesnt look like it's going to. Even if you change your mind. It's set."

I listened intently. I felt Carlisle's hand on my shoulder and felt relief wash over me. I didn't even know I was scared.

"Im just giving you a head's up, Block your emotions when Edward and Jasper are in the room. Ignore the feeling you have for each other when they are around and for a month, it will be all fine. After a month it is a little fuzzy." With that Alice just left. I laid there confused, but happy because for the rest of the week I had Carlisle all too myself.

Just thinking about what we could do was bringing a smile to my face. One that I couldn't keep from Carlisle. I motioned for him to come here and kissed him.  Then it started. Fireworks and passion.



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