1.4 sugar & spice

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"Where the fuck were you Amanda?!" I shouted

"I was with you all night!" She shouted back

I've been awake for about 5 hours, Sam left, and Amanda and I have been fighting for the past 30 minutes.

"No you weren't! If you were then I wouldn't have been taken!" I knew she was lying, Amanda does this thing where she picks at her nails when she's lying and I know that because she loves to keep her nails perfectly pampered.

"Well.... Sorry if I had to pee! I wasn't going to keep you on a leash! I'm not your owner!"

Amanda and I sometimes have arguments, but this one was different.. Its almost like there was something she wasn't telling me, but at the same time blaming me for something.

"Stop trying to make me think that I don't remember the party! I remember everything up until the point of being taken! You left me as soon as we got past the fucking threshold!"

"You know what?! I'm leaving. You need to fucking chill out so I'm just going to stay with Nate for however long."

"Did I ask?" I snapped

She mumbled something that I didn't catch, turned around, went up to her room and packed a few things then left.


The house was really quiet with nobody except me home and I felt lonely so I made the quick decision to go out and get a dog.

I threw on a pair of leggings, a grey crop top, put on my ray bans and went out the door.

After going to multiple stores, I found the perfect puppy, or should I say puppies.

I got a boy and a girl, The girl puppy was a West Highland White Terrier and I named her Sugar. I named the boy puppy Spice and he was a Norfolk Terrier.

Growing up I always wanted dogs because they are so cuddly and cute.

The minute I got home, I obviously took a picture of them both and put it on instagram captioning it 'sugar & spice and everything nice'

Seconds later I got a text from Sam,

S: I'm coming over.

Well okay then..


About 15 minutes went by and Sam walked in

"Wheres my baby?" He said as he walked into the living room

I started to say something when I realized he wasn't even looking at me, he was looking at my puppies.

"Hello to you too Sam.."

"Oh hey Ava"

"So why are you here?" I kind of already knew the answer but I just asked for the hell of it

"I'm here to see these beautiful puppies"

"So you don't need me?"


"Well, then I'm going to watch Netflix" I said as I stood up and started to walk away

"Hold on" He grabbed my hand and pulled me back so we were millimetres apart

"Wheres their toys?" He whispered

"Fuck you Sam" I laughed, backing up

"Wait.. Did you think I was going to kiss you?" He smirked

"No" I lied

"Don't lie to me Ava.." He came closer to me and grabbed my waist pulling me close, again.

He was looking so deeply into my eyes, I swear he was looking into my soul.

I lightly pushed him onto the couch and got on top of him. His hands were still on my waist, something about his touch made me feel so hypnotized.

"You know I'm really sorry Ava.." He said, breaking the silence

"Shh." I said before lightly pressing my lips onto his

The kiss almost went instantaneously from light and sweet to hard and intense. He began kissing down my neck and his hands moved to my butt. His lips were so soft, they were pretty much irresistible. He flipped us over so he was now hovering over me.

"You're beautiful" Sam said while looking at every single one of my features

"I'm sorry I overreacted with the whole date thing"

"Let me make it up to you.."

"You better fucking show up this time." I laughed as I sat up

"I promise I will.."

We sat there for a few moments just looking into each others eyes, I'm not sure what exactly he was thinking, but all I could think about was how scared I was that he would stand me up again.

All throughout my teenage years leading up to now I have had serious trust issues and I'm constantly terrified to trust people.

"I saw some photos of you from that night.. You looked so fucking hot Ava, I am really, truly sorry.. I  definitely fucked up."

"I know you are sorry, just shut up and kiss me." I said as I grabbed his face and immediately felt a rush of happiness when our lips touched

Don't get too attached Ava.. I reminded myself


yes i actually plan on buying those 2 dogs and naming them sugar and spice :-)

i hope u liked this chapter 

xoxo, gillian

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