2.0 swimming pool

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SONG; Swimming Pool - Yuma X


1 Week Later

Ever since the night that Sam took me to his concert he has barely been texting me, or even making an  effort to see me. He is constantly making silly excuses to not talk to me, and it seems a bit like the whole situation we had a few weeks ago. If this is some sort of game he likes to play with girls, then I'm not going to continue giving him the pleasure of playing me.

I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt one last time so I called him, and of course, he didn't answer. 

Once the phone beeped, notifying me that I could now leave a message, I began to talk in a shaky voice, "Well Sam, you've done it again" I gave a small laugh, "I don't know why I keep giving you more chances since all you ever seem to do is hurt me in the end, but I guess I'm giving you one last chance  because I guess thats what you're supposed to do when you don't want to lose someone.. Anyways, if you actually care to see me again, I will be on the bench outside of Kings Road Park at 6:30, and I'll be gone by 7:00.. if you aren't going to show up... then you might aswell delete my number from your phone" and I hung up

Amanda and I still aren't on good terms, I still don't know what secret she's trying so hard to keep from me.. but she is still staying at Nate's place.

And for me, well I've been working out whenever I can, because if I'm not doing something then I'm thinking about Sam.. and its hard to get over someone when they are always on you're mind, so I have chosen working out as my distraction.

I've never really felt so upset over a guy before, but Sam is different. Not in a physical way, but in a mental way.. He always knew the right words to say and the right things to do. I promised myself years ago to never fall in love again because no matter who I love, I'm always getting hurt in the end.


I walked up to the bench, took a seat and looked at my phone. 6:30, right on time. I continued scrolling through my phone, waiting to see if Sam was going to show up.

I was going through Instagram when I began getting twitter dms from Sam. What? Why would he be dming me?

'I can't make it' was the first dm

'Please just go home, I don't want to make you wait' was the next

'I'm sorry Ava' was the last dm

I didn't bother replying. I stood up and began walking home as tears began to form in the corners of my eyes. 


Once I got inside my house I was getting a call from one of my other good friends Kara.

"Hello?" I answered

"What are you doing tonight?" 

"Sleeping" I was honestly just completely drained of energy this whole week, Sam being on my mind constantly definitely wasn't helping me when it came to falling asleep at night.

"You sure about that?" She asked. Kara was always partying, and if she wasn't partying, she was traveling.

"What party are we going to tonight?" A smile creeped upon my face

"My friend Ethan is having a party tonight and I need a date.. will you do me the honour of being my date?"

"Of course" I laughed

"Great, I'll pick you up at 9, see ya soon" and she hung up

Guess I should start getting ready.

reckless // sammy wilkWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt