2.3 right my wrongs

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SONG; Right My Wrongs - Bryson Tiller


I woke up in a familiar bed that wasn't mine... It was Sam's. Why the fuck do I keep waking up after a party at Sam's place? But where is Sam? 

As I stood up I immediately felt a rush of dizziness come over me. Sam is so aggravating he drives me to drinking which leads to this feeling, but I'm letting him do this to me.. I shouldn't let him.

There was noise coming from downstairs, which meant somebody is awake, so I put on my clothes.. not sure why I took my clothes off if I was at someone else's house, and walked downstairs.

"Look who's finally awake" Sam said with a smile as he sat on the couch, playing video games

"Look who's leaving" I smiled back and went towards the door to put on my shoes

"Ava wait!" He tossed his controller beside him and quickly walked over to me, "And why should I wait?" I questioned

"Because we need to talk.. and don't say we don't need to talk because then why would you keep coming to my door at 2am drunk and wanting my attention" He said a bit too cocky

"I have nothing to say to you" 

"Then give me a few minutes of your precious fucking time to explain my faults" He was beginning to get annoyed

There was a moment of silence until he spoke, "I crave you Ava" He paused, "Not in a sexual way but I just want to hear the sound of your voice, or feel the warmth of your body.. But me having an audience of teenage girls that get jealous will tear you apart  if we keep getting seen together"

I cut him off, "Well we don't need to be worried about being seen together if you continue this little game you're playing do we?" 

"Ava I'm just trying to protect you"

"I've dealt with a lot of shit in my life, I think I can handle a few girls telling me to die"

"Its more than a few"

"Well, whether its a few, or a few hundred... who's going to be the one cuddling with you at the end of the day?" I asked and a smile appeared on his face

"The most beautiful girl I've ever seen, thats who" He said before pulling me into a tight hug

"Come back to my  place so I can get changed and we can go out to get some coffee" I held onto his hand as we walked out the door


After I changed, we headed out to my favourite coffee place in LA, Blue Bottle.

When we got there I ordered a Hazelnut Latte, Sam ordered a Iced Caramel Latte and we took a seat.

"So, I have one last question..."

"Okay, what is it?"

"Why did you choose to ignore me? Like... Why didn't you just tell me straight up that 'hey i don't want you to get hurt, we should stay away from each other'?" 

"I thought it would be easier, and that you would just let me go.. but I guess not" He paused for a second and continued talking, "Tell me this though.. would you have stayed away if I told you that I didn't want you to get hurt?"

"Our discussion would've ended up like the one we had earlier"

"Now I have something to tell you" He suddenly got serious

"Uh, okay"

"I'm leaving"

"Really?" It felt like my heart just fell to my feet.. right when we sort things out, he leaves

"But I will be back" A small smile appeared upon his face

"Why are you leaving?"


"So just as we make up, you have to leave..." I mumbled

"It's not for long, I promise..."

"How long is it?" 

"2 weeks"

"I guess I might be able to live without you for two weeks" I smiled and continued to drink my latte


i suck at updating omg school is getting in the way of things but my education is important,,, i will try and update more but usually on the nights i don't have homework I'm napping so ????? 

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hope u liked this chapter

xoxo, g

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