3.2 stay

383 12 3

SONG; Stay - Kygo, Maty Noyes


texts between ava + sam

sam: you awake?

ava: ya

sam: ok get dressed and wear stuff you would wear for a hike.

sam: im picking you up in 20 minutes

ava: oh ok



I rolled out of bed, not really wanting to do anything today, but I guess I have to if I wanna sort things out with Sam.

 After changing into my regular gym outfit, I tied my now short hair up into a ponytail and went downstairs to make a smoothie.

"You're up early" I was greeted by Amanda

"Sam texted me and he's picking me up in 15 ish minutes" I said as I began to prepare my smoothie

"....And you're going to the gym together?" She somewhat questioned

"Hike.. I'm pretty sure"

"Well, have fun" She said before I blended my smoothie


We pulled up at Escondido Canyon, my favourite trail.

Not much talking went on during the ride here, a little bit of awkward small talk, but that was it.

There wasn't many people on the trail today, its usually busier but I guess not today.

"I really am truly sorry" he broke the silence as we began walking

"I know that, but I just have one question.." I paused and he looked at me, "Why would you say that, even if you didn't mean it?"

"I thought I would be better of without you, so I decided to be the shittiest fucking person ever and say those things to you so you would stay away this time"

"You made me happy" I paused and laughed a little, "Happier than I ever thought I could be"

"I ruined it didn't I?"

"You also made me sad, more sad than I have been in a long time because I was constantly worried about losing you"

"So what are you trying to say?"

"Whatever this is.. Whatever we are, its toxic for the both of us... I'm driving you to drinking beyond return every night and you're driving me to insanity"

"What about what you wrote on the note.... remember... one last chance?"

"I changed my mind" 

I wanted to give in so badly, and forget everything that had happened between us but I can't trust him anymore.

"You can't just change your mind like that overnight. Whats stopping you from being with me?"

"I can't trust you Sam. You've given me so many reasons not to trust you, and zero reasons to give you my trust"

"What can I do to make you trust me again?"

"I never trusted you in the first place."

"Jesus christ Ava you're so goddamn frustrating" He groaned and ran his fingers through his hair

"Another reason why we will never work.. Some days we can be so good together, and others you just snap and it reminds me too much of my last relationship! I'm not going to fucking go through this anymore!"

Good thing the path was empty so nobody was hearing Sam and I argue.

"Just stop for a sec" He stopped and grabbed my hand

"Wha-" I was cut off by him pulling me in and pressing his lips to mine, I couldn't help but kiss him back.

He had both of his arms holding onto my waist, and both my hands were cupping his cheeks.

I pulled away first, and tried to escape his grip, but he just held onto me tighter, "Tell me you didn't feel something" he said as he looked straight into my eyes

"I didn't" 


literally a rollercoaster of emotions 


xoxo, g

reckless // sammy wilkWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt