3.8 feels right

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SONG; Feels Right - Jocelyn Alice


"You what?!" Amanda shrieked in disapproval after I told her I forgave Sam

"I told him I was giving him one last chance.."

"No.. Ava, you told him one last chance over 3 months ago and then you changed your mind and made the right decision by choosing to move on.."

"The only way I think I'm ever going to get over him is if I actually give him one last chance and I get closure in the end.."

"What about Jake?" She asked as she put her hand on her waist and looked at me as if she was my mom

"It's not like I'll ever see him again"

"Whatever.. I guess you two are cute together"

"I know" I smiled and walked out the door to go see Sam

-- [at sams]--

"Sam?" I shouted as I walked into his place and he wasn't in the living room or kitchen

"In my room!" I heard him shout back so I walked up the stairs to see him.. packing?

"Leaving so soon?" I pouted as I walked up to him and hugged his core while he continued to pack

"Gotta go to San Fransisco for a Digi show babe" I said nothing, just stood there hugging him as he was putting things in his small suitcase, "You can come if you want"

"I start work again soon"

"It's only 3 days and I'm leaving tonight since its not too long of a drive"

I began to think, should I go? Should I stay home and catch up on some sleep?

"Come, It'll make it so much better if I have you with me"

"I have to pack then, when are we leaving?"

"Once I'm done packing we'll go to your place and get your stuff together then head to San Fransisco.. sound good?"

"Sounds amazing" I smiled

--[back at ava's place]--

We pulled up in the driveway and walked into the door to see Amanda sitting on the couch, watching TV.


"Hello Amanda"

"I'm going upstairs to pack, you two can stay here and talk.. be nice" I broke the silence and ran upstairs


"I see you guys cleaned up the house, looks good" I said, trying to make conversation

"Okay.. I don't know what you did to get Ava back, but if you hurt her once more I swear to fucking god  Sam you will not see the light of day... She has had way too much heartbreak for her age and if you add to it I will not be happy with you" Amanda said with her arms crossed

"I won't.. I promise, Ava's special" I replied

"Don't make a promise you can't keep" She said before going back to whatever she was watching on TV

I just sighed and went on my phone as I waited for Ava to pack.



Sam was tense and didn't talk much the entire way to San Fransisco, thank god we were finally here and pulling up to the hotel.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked Sam after we checked in and were going up the elevator to our room

"No" He answered flatly and I immediately knew something was on his mind

"Bull" I crossed my arms and he gave me a weird look

"Drop it Ava, theres nothing wrong"

"Seriously Sam. Talk to me"

"It's nothing to worry about Ava, everything is fine"

"You know, the key to every single bond between two people is communication so if I don't know whats bothering you then I can't help and it'll drive us apart"

"Bond?" He looked at me and laughed, thats the first time he laughed since we left LA

"Well what was I supposed to say?!" I questioned

"Relationship" He said as he unlocked the door to our room

"We aren't in a relationship"

He looked taken aback for a second, "Yet" He smirked 

"Now are you going to tell me whats wrong?"

"Amanda doesn't like me" 

I let out a small laugh, "Seriously? Thats what has you so worked up?"

"You know, the key to every single bond between two people is having your best friend liking your partner" He said, mocking me from before

"Who's in this relationship? You and I. Not you, me and Amanda." 

"You said relationship" He let out a cute laugh and smiled

"Bond" I rolled my eyes and chuckled


I suck at updating

I don't even have any excuses idk this summer I was out at night and sleeping during the day so I never stayed home to update

This story might be coming to an end soon???? idk i have other ideas for other things & i don't even know if ill start those ideas bc whats the point of starting if i probably won't finish right

anyways thats it thanks for being patient 

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