2.1 we're alone

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SONG; We're Alone - DYSN (feat. Blackbear)

song is more of like a explanation of Ava's old habits as mentioned later in this chapter (will b explained soon)



I woke up with Sam's arm wrapped around my waist, and a huge headache. Not wanting to stay awake, I groaned and rolled over.

Being in Sam's bed gave me a sense of discomfort, not remembering what happened last night. I couldn't find a comfortable position and I didn't want to leave without an explanation so I just went on my phone for a while, waiting for Sam to wake up.


"Morning" I heard a sleepy voice beside me

"Its well past the morning bud" I locked my phone

"What time is it?" He sat up and asked

"Uh, almost 4" I said as I checked my phone

"And how are you feeling"

"My head hurts" I chuckled, regretting the amount of alcohol I consumed last night

"Do you remember anything from last night?" He questioned with a soft tone, as if it was a touchy subject

I thought about it for a moment, and when the memory came to mind I regretted not leaving his house once I woke up so I wouldn't have to talk to him.

"My last memory from last night is me waiting -" I stopped myself, "You know.. I should get home, I have to pick up my puppies from my friends place and you can just go back to doing whatever you have been doing this whole week" I said as I stood up and grabbed my phone

"We need to talk, I th-"

I scoffed, "I have been trying to talk to you all week and you never responded, care to explain?"

"I'll explain if you don't cut me off every time I try to speak" He was starting to get aggravated and the argument just started

"You've got 5 minutes at most, I have a couple puppies to pick up" I know I was being a bitch, but its kind of a test.. see how he would be in an argument if him and I went any further in our relationship

"I've been in the studio all week"

I had to stop him for a moment, "So for 168 hours you haven't checked your phone at all? Hm, I call bullsh-"

He cut me off this time, "Let me fucking finish... I have been busy writing and recording, Yes I've checked my phone but I was trying to stay focused"

"But you would go out at night, I mean.. that is what your snapchat story showed, right?"

"That I can't rea-"

"Save it. Contact me when you're done playing games, because I am one hundred fucking percent done dealing with your reckless bullshit." I turned around and walked out


I got home after picking up my puppies, and Amanda was sitting in the living room. Not saying a word, I walked past her and up to my room with sugar & spice.

"Ava we need to talk!" Amanda shouted from the living room

She was right, we did need to talk... I walked down the stairs and took a seat across from her, "I've heard enough shit for the day so we can either talk tomorrow or not at all"

"Whats gotten into you?!"

"You sound like my mom" My head hurt and all I wanted to do was sleep

"How much did you drink last night?! I haven't seen you this hungover in forever"

"I drank enough to make me feel like shit, mom" I snarled

"I'll come back tomorrow, with Sam and you two are going to talk your shit out... Ava you are not going to fall back into your old habits"

"Sam is a big boy, I think he can pick up his damn phone and call me when he gives up on his reputation"

"Fine, but me and you are talking out our problems tomorrow, whether you like it or not"

"Last I checked, it's you that left so I think its your problem to figure out with my help" I said as I walked up the stairs


short chapter sorryyyyyyy

okay my updates might slow down for a lil bit bc I've got ALOT of stress on me right now to pass all my exams so bare with me pls

i was writing this n thinking that they fight a lot,,, hmmmm

i also almost forgot about the 2 puppies lmsfkfn

hope u liked this short chapter

xoxo, gillian

reckless // sammy wilkWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt