sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me

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sticks and stones have broken my bones
and girls have broken my heart
but your words roll off my back
like the creeping spiders they are
but they won't bite me this time
I'm stone cold to you
I'm stone cold to me
I'm a new breed of gargoyle
made of rock and modern steel
and calloused with age and time
nothing has an effect
I'm impervious
to your double faced personality
and your sharp words
like a double edged sword
you're wicked darling, and I don't care
and your mouth is vicious
your loyalty fake
(like you claim I am)
you so quickly turn your head away
from me and laugh with my enemies
(and even with my friends)
but I don't care about your wicked words
and cruel intentions
I'll just pray for you
and hope you won't always be this way

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