Chapter 14 - A Hot Shower (part 2)

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So she ran.

Or rather, tried to. After one step her ankle was already throbbing painfully. How could she forget? She wasn't even in the right condition to try escaping him.

Gritting her teeth she forced herself to ignore the pain and kept running. She even made it out of the bathroom before a hand closed around her wrist. With a sharp tug on her arm she tumbled back in his arms.

"Wrong desicion, honey," his voice murmured dangerously low in her ear. He pulled her back into the bathroom, his hand firmly on her wrist. She tried to wiggle out of his grasp when he closed the door and locked it, but it was to no use.

"Don't say I didn't warn you..." It sounded like he was amused, but she couldn't see if that was true because he kinda dragged her after him.

By the time they were back in the middle of the room she trembled, the adrenaline from her pathetic escape attempt starting to fade and fear slowly settling in.


His low spoken command caused anger to well up inside her, but she didn't dare to move.

When he let go of her wrist she hugged herself. Shifting her weight to her good foot, she peeked up to him through her hair.

He studied her a second, eyes briefly flickering towards her feet as if he'd noticed her movement, before he turned around. She thought she'd caught a glimpse of worry in his eyes, but as soon as she heard his next words she knew it had been her imagination.

"Take the blanket off."

Instinctively she gripped the blanket even tighter. She knew it would happen, but she'd not expected it so soon.

Uncertain she looked up at Ashe. He stood with his back towards her, doing dometing with the pipes again.
He turned some wheels and the sound of streaming water became louder.

She felt a warm drop land on her cheek. Amazed she looked up at the ceiling. It was softly raining... inside.

"If you want to sleep under a dry blanket tonight, I suggest you take it off now." His voice sounded a lot closer now.

Her eyed shot back to him, seeing he was stalking back to her. She carefully limped back until she was no longer standing in the rain. Once out of the water, she decided to keep her ground. Knowing running couldn't safe her anymore, she watched him approach.

He was certainly a beautiful creation. The build of a warrior, his muscles well defined. Broad shoulders melted into a flat stomach where she could count his abs.

Her eyes dwarrled lower for a second, scanning over the forbidden area. Luckily he hadn't been naked in the bed, cause she was sure she'd felt something poking her thigh when she'd pressed herself against him in her sleepy haze.

A light blush crept over her face and she forced her eyes up. His face, although scarred forever by an unknown enemy, was undeniable handsome. It held a certain natural rougness, no doubt worsened by the scar, but when he smiled it disappeared totally.

She'd seen it when he laughed at the little girl. Again her eyes flickered over his chest. She could see his muscles move at every step he took.

When he reached her, she had to surpress a shiver and held her head high, showing her defiance. A smirk appeared on his face and she knew he'd noticed.

"Not too good at taking orders, I see. Ah well, we'll have plenty of time to work on that later." While he talked, he walked around her, like a predator circling his prey.

"Take it off now. You can choose: you do it willingly, or I'll help you."
Seeing the debate wether or not to obey in her eyes he added: "If it helps, I've already seen your delicious naked body several times."

She gave him an angry glare. "No. That does not help, not at all." But she figured he was right anyways, she could do it or he would.

Cursing under her breath she decided to keep as much dignity as she'd left.  Loosening her death grip on the blanket, it fell into a puddle at her feet.

"Good." Abruptly he turned his back towards her and walked back into the rain. "Follow me."

For a moment she stood frozen, this was not what she'd expected. He hadn't even touched her yet. Confused she followed him slowly, back into the rain.

What was he doing? She'd expected him to take immediate advance of her. But it was taking him longer then she'd thought. Besides, he'd hurt her in the forest, true, but after that... no. This was starting to get way too complicated. What was his plan?

Distracted by her thinking, she could only just stop in time to avoid running into his back when he suddenly stopped and pulled at a rope she hadn't noticed before. More water started splashing out of the ceiling holes and it drenched them both within a few seconds.

Weirdly, the water appeared to be warm. She'd never seen such a thing and for a split second she was jealeous of Ashe. He had his own personal warm waterfall.

"Impressed, are we?"

She quickly shut her mouth, that had opened in awe when the water poured over them.

"By you? Never."

"Whatever you say, darling."

He started walking again and she noticed the water gliding down his shoulders and soaking his underwear.
"To your left, you'll find some soap for your hair and body. When I come back, I expect you to be thoroughly cleaned. Don't dissapoint me, or your ass will be sorry." With that he walked to the door and left the bathroom without looking back once.

Well, no explaination about last night yet then. She didn't understand what was going on here, but she was happy he was gone for now.
It gave her some time to think about everything that had happened in the last few days.

Softly humming to herself, she started looking for the soap he'd mentioned. After all, she loved bathing.

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