Chapter 27 - Naughty

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That bastard!

How could he? Leave her here, naked, shackled to the ceiling?

She'd been standing here for over an hour. Her arms were aching and the cold wind from the slightly opened window caused permanent goosebumps on her skin.

And worst of all? He did keep his eyes on her. Soon after he left the room, she saw him reappear outside, shirtless, joining the training with his men.

He would glance her way every few minutes. At first she'd squirmed under his glances, not comfortable with her nakedness, but now she was just staring back at him with plain fury shown in her eyes.

This was ridiculous. And he thought she'd learn something from this so-called punishment?

The only thing she learned was he was a ****.

Cassandra scolded herself for being so caught up in her emotions. She should be looking for a way out of here instead of sulking like a spoiled teenager that got grounded. Maybe it was almost time for her week of hormonal disaster? Just perfect.

Quickly scanning the room, her eyes found nothing that could be of value for her escape. If she only could find a sharp pin or nail...

But with her hands disabled she couldn't reach anything, even if she found something that could've been of value.

Unless... Of course! Her eyes shot up to the silver that decorated her wrist. She was still wearing her bracelet. Ashe never took it from her - wich by the way would be impossible without breaking it, because the silverwork had literally been forged around her wrist - and now he would regret it.

The delicate silver bracelet hid a small pin on the inside. It had been a gift from her parents, a set with the necklace she got from her grandparents. Both were essential to survive. 

With her mind set to her new goal, she started the attempt to escape by pulling herself up on the chains. Ignoring the pain in her wrists she forced her arms to keep her up long enough to reach the silver with her mouth. With her tongue she turned the bracelet, until she could grab one end of the hidden pin between her teeth. 

Lowering herself to the floor again she gave her arms some time to rest. A quick look at the courtyard told her Ashe was still outside, oblivious to her escape attempt.

Staying silent until he'd glanced her way once more, she came into motion. She had to be quick now. Pulling herself up once more she managed to quickly grab the pin from her lips with her right hand. Her muscles protested severly, but she ignored it. 

Knowing her arms wouldn't hold her up long enough to pick the lock, she thought about another way to keep her body up. The ring on the cealing, where the chains were attached, was her only option. Swinging back and forth she gained enough momentum to kick her feet up. Hooking her legs around the chains she slipped her foot through the ring. Luckily it was big enough to fit her leg till just under her knee. 

Now she could place her hanging weight on her leg, which meant her hands were free to work their magic on the lock. Completely focused on getting the lock open, she didn't notice the door opened...


"You're giving me quite a show, darling."

Cassandra froze, still hanging in the chains in her upside down position. Her eyes shot to the door that had been closed before. Instead of a closed door her eyes met the amused one's of Ashe, who was leaning casually against the doorframe.

Too shocked to give him a reply she just stared at him, but he saw her fingers turning the pin she'd been fumbling with one final time. A soft click resonated through the room, and with the grace of a cat she pulled free of the chains, turning around mid-air to land on her feet.

A slight panic at his sudden appearence washed over her and she wasted no time standing there but ran - with her only way out blocked - into his giantic bathroom. Slamming the door behind her she leaned her trembling body against it. 

She'd been too slow! He already caught her, before she even escaped. She should have checked more often if he was looking. Hell, she should have started her attempt earlier! Where was her brain?

"Did you really think I wouldn't notice that pathetic escape attempt? Sweety, I did warn you I was looking." His voice reached her ears through the wood, and she could practicallly hear his smile.

She held her hands through her hair. He didn't need to remind her!

"I know, asshole! " She screamed back in frustration.

A soft chuckle was her only answer before the door was forced open with a rough push, causing her to stumble forward a few steps, just managing to turn around and face the danger, before awkwardly landing on her butt. 

"Stay there." Ashe all but growled the command, stalking towards her. She noticed the playfulness was completely gone from his voice.

"No need to get an attitude now, kitten, or I'll gladly spank it out of you. I won't let you go until this month is over." He crouched down in front of her. 

"Appearently your first punishment didn't reach the goal. I guess I'll have to be a little more..." He paused a moment to find the right word. "...creative when it comes to you."

She had no idea what to say or do, so she kept silent, staring up at him in fear. Surely he'd severly hurt her now. She totally fucked up her chance. She should've waited for a better opportunity, but she took the first opening she saw and fucked up big time. 

He shook his head at her, like she was some child that had been naughty. "I hope you're ready for your first real punishment, darling." He grabbed her wrist and pulled her up with him as he stood. 

The first real punishment? So chaining her up, naked, didn't even count to him? She tried to pull away from his grip on her wrist but it seemed impossible, her strenght nothing compared to his. Panic overtook her when he pulled her back to the bedroom, back to the damn ceiling chains she'd just escaped from.

"No, no, stop!"

"Too late, sweety." With little effort he forced her arms in the air to chain them above her head.

"Please..." She felt the tears coming now. She felt pathetic but saw no other way out of whatever he was planning to do to her then begging. "... please, Ashe."

He seemed to hestitate a moment, stroking her tears away with his knuckles. "How tempting you are, little kitten, and how much I like to hear you beg, I warned you there would be consequenses when you defy me. If you don't want to be punished, I suggest you stop giving me reasons to punish you."

His hands left her face and trailed downwards, stroking her body lightly, while he brought his lips close to her ear. 

"I promise I won't make it hurt too much... But let me warn you once more. If you attempt to escape again after this punishment, make sure you succeed, honey."

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