Chapter 29 - Reward

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Her reward?

He must've seen the complete bewilderment in her eyes, cause he chuckled softly and pulled her a little bit tighter against his chest for a second before explaining:

"Punishments are for bad girls. If said bad girl behaves herself however, she'll become a good girl again. And good girls deserve rewards. It's the choice between pain and pleasure, darling."

His logic didn't make sense to her. He was hurting her just minute ago and now he was talking about pleasuring her?

"So the reward is... pleasure?" 

Somehow, that word made her knees feel weaker than his whip would ever manage. He already told her he'd do things, anything... except taking her virginity. And she'd agreed too fast. His complacent smile told her he'd noticed her reaction.

"Not the kind of pleasure you're thinking of, love. I don't think you're ready for that ride with me... yet. Although it can be arranged anytime you'd like."

His words caused her cheeks to burn a bright red and she shook her head. 


"Thought you'd say that. No worries, I won't force you, as I said. Come on." He turned around, causing his hands to leave her body so abruptly, she almost missed the warmth and comfort his body had offered. Almost. She still didn't trust him.

"You won't force me, you say, but yet you'll whip me if I don't comply?"

"No!" He whirled around so quickly it was almost funny.

Noticing the startled look in her wide eyes, he added in a much softer tone: "There will be no more punishments like that as long as you follow my one rule, sweetheart, I promise. No attempts to escape." He lifted his hand and carefully cupped her face.

"When I told you only bad girls deserve punishments I ment it. I'm sorry I had to hurt you. Behave for me and you've got nothing to worry about." His fingers left her cheek.

"Try to escape and there will be consequences. But I believe you've learned your lesson now. Another whipping won't be necessary." He studied her for a minute till she nodded her understanding before turning around and gesturing for her to follow.

She was actually curious instead of scared now. His words took away her biggest fear - he'd made clear that sex or another beating was not what he had in mind. She followed him, her arms folded across her naked chest, hiding as much as she could from his eyes while she wondered why he was sorry he had to hurt her. He looked like he spoke the truth, she saw a flash of something in his eyes when he told her he was sorry, but how could that be true?

Suddenly a thought came to her. He treated her like some animal that had to learn the rules with these 'punishments' and 'good or bad' girls he was talking about. There had to be a reason why he was threating her like this. She'd figure out why this guy was thinking he could raise her like you'd raise a pup - before his month was over. And in the mean time, she'd try to win his trust. 

Now that he thought his punishment had worked on her, that she didn't dare to make another escape attempt, she had the advantage. She would follow him, obey him, and when he wasn't paying attention anymore, she'd still escape him. He would have to let her go after his month - because there was no way she was staying willingly - or she would escape sooner. She was sure of it.


He led her straight to the floor bathtub this time, gesturing for her to climb down. She did so without hesitation, wich pleased him. She was a quick learner when she wanted to. He knew she most definately had some ulterior motives for obeying him so easely, but for now, it served him well.

"Take a seat," he ordered when he saw her standing clueless in the middle of his bathtub. It was one of his greatest inventions. A big tub in the floor, with seats in the four rounded corners. When she did as ordered and choose a spot on one of the four seats he resumed his walk to the pipe-covered wall. 

She stared in awe when the tub steadily began to fill with delicious hot water. He was slightly annoyed when he noticed she was still covering as much of her chest as she could with her arms, but decided to let it slip. They could work on that later.

He gathered some soap before he joined her in the bath, choosing the seat next to hers. He couldn't surpress a grin when she tried to subtly back away into the furthest corner.

"Come here." He stared into her eyes, daring her to challenge him. He was almost disappointed at the fact she didn't. She waded shyly towards him, the water now reaching mid-thigh. His cock hardened at the sight. Her sweet submission was something else altogether.

When she reached him, he turned her around by her hips and pulled her down, so she was sitting in front of him. Satisfaction bubbled through him. Now the real fun could begin.


Ashe massaged her shoulders, rubbing the soap gently onto her skin. She didn't mind his hands touching her like this, soft and caring. When she finally relaxed in his embrace, he mumbled his praise into her ear, causing her body to shiver. 

"Good girl."

Her relaxation was short lived however, when his hands continued their path down over her arms, up via her sides and eventually sneaking around her to the front. She stiffened when he cupped her breasts, but he didn't comment on it. He gave each breast equal attention, playing a bit with her hardening nipples. A weird feeling stirred in her stomach. She tried to wiggle backwards, out of his grasp, but that only caused her to lean more into him, and feeling his evident arousal against her back.

"I think they're clean enough." Her voice sounded strange in her own ears, breathless, weak. She felt his smile against her neck, but he humored her and moved on, cleaning her belly, hips and legs with a bit less special attention. When his hands came up again, sneaking around her waist, she tensed again, knowing he wasn't finished yet.

"Spread your legs." She started to tremble, but didn't dare deny him, so she slowly spread them. He knew she most likely would not keep still, so he wrapped one arm around her waist to hold her, while his other hand ventured downward.

"What are you doing?" Even her voice trembled.

"Shht. You're getting your reward. Keep quiet, you're doing great."

With her nerves on end she grabbed the arm around her waist, needing to hold onto something. When his hand reached her lips and started to play down there, it took every ounce of her willpower to keep them there instead of in his face.

Her face heated and the weird feeling in her stomach was back, more powerful this time. He rubbed faster, causing the feeling to intensify. She couldn't stop her hips from bucking against him, feeling as if every one of his rubs pushed her higher towards something that stayed just out of reach.

"I'm curious, little kitten..." He stroked his fingertip over her entrance, teasingly, but not entering, before returning his attention to the little bundle of nerves. "Do you like my hands on you?"

She couldn't deny it, not when her own body was betraying her. When he felt her slickness, even underwater. But she still tried.

"No..." She gasped, not about to give him the answer he wanted. Her voice sounded uncertain, even to her own ears. But it was the only thing she could say, denying the pleasure he gave her, holding onto his arm for dear life while her body screamed her yes.

"Liar." He whispered mockingly in her ear, knowing the thruth, but his hand kept moving, pushing her closer to the edge she now desperately wanted to reach. The feeling in her gut built and built with each of his touches, until she finally shattered, coming apart in his arms with a breathless gasp.

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