Chapter 2: The Hunt Begins

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Chapter two: The Hunt Begins

She woke up with a terrible headache. After the debacle last night she ran as far as she could, trying to make the distance between her and the filthy men as big as possible. 

She'd thought she heard the sound of fighting in the distance, but she didn't pay attention to it. She just wanted to get away as far as possible. She only stopped when she was completely out of breath and energy.

Lucky enough she found a hollow tree that was far enough away from the hunters and would be kind of safe. It was even slightly better than the wetness of the forest ground and she would also be out of clean sight.

She'd moved to the driest part of the tree and had curled herself up, the fake feeling of safety making her quickly fall asleep. 

She grunted, the pain in her head still increasing. When she carefully touched her head she discovered she had a fever too. 

She had to be extra careful today. Every little movement added to the pain, and if she had to outrun anything in this condition she wasn't to sure she would make it.

Damn, if she didn't do something about it she wouldn't even make it through the night.

Groggily she crawled out of the tree, making as minimal noise as possible. She still had to be careful, you never knew who was out in the forest. 

Avoiding the bright sunlight that was hurting her eyes and making the pain in her skull even worse she walked into the shadows of the forest.

She had to find some water to cool her body temperature, and some of those pain killer berries she found out about earlier too.


His rage burned through him. "What! You were so close and you couldn't even get her?" 

From the description his men gave him of the girl the hunters had been chasing he was sure, it had to be her.

She was quite unique, from all people that decided to run into the forest she was the first that actually made it in there alive and hadn't given up. 

Yet, he added as an afterthought. 

Most people that fled into the woods or were given the opportunity to survive out there gave up within the week or were found dead within two. Sometimes they even made it a month before the hunters got them.

But almost half a year, that was a first. Yes, he actually counted. 

She was seen many times in the forest since she first entered it, but never caught. And he knew exactly why she was still out there and not yet in his possession.

She had only managed to stay away that long because they weren't exactly hunting her down with all forces. It was more like a little game to all the hunters. A game with only one rule: the first one that would capture her would have her.

The girl couldn't leave the forest, knowing it was in the middle of his lands and surrounded by her enemies. Leaving would most certainly mean death and she wouldn't risk that. 

He smirked. She was trapped and she knew it, but she was smart enough to stay hidden in there. Although she had to know that she would eventually be caught, she still did everything in her power to delay that moment.

The woods covered several miles of his land and were rich of life. It wasn't too hard to survive in there for a trained man, he knew that, but she was just some little girl. He was, however, only slightly impressed. Slightly.

None of his man he had left behind succeeded in taking her in his absence, that was a shame. It would be a nice homecoming present, but no such luck.

Thankfully the other hunters surrounding the forest were also not very lucky. Not everyone of them had the same rules he had, last night proved that. 

He wanted her alive and in one piece, and everybody knew it. But still there were some fools that tried to take her from time to time.

Lucky for them they never succeeded. Although the bastards of last night came pretty close. He wasn't too angry about the fact she'd outsmarted them too. His men took care of them as soon as they discovered it. 

They wouldn't be a problem anymore...

Still he was getting annoyed, after all the failed attempts from the hunters to take her it was time this game came to an end. 

Of course he hadn't sent the best of his man, just the hunters in training, but it was a warning that she wouldn't be too easy.

His curiosity about the girl increased, she had to be smart. Well, at least smarter then his men. According to their achievements he had to change some training schedules...

Because of their failure she could have been taken by one of the other hunters before he could prevent it. Not that the other hunters could actually have her if they would have caught her, she was his, but still...

He always won the game. 

But he wasn't known for his patience, and after she escaped the hunters and avoided his own men again last night it was wearing thin. 

The game had lasted long enough, it was time he claimed the prize. He approached the forest and signed.

If you wanted something done right, you had to do it yourself.

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