Chapter 5: Gotcha!

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A/N surprise, surprise.. another chapter ;)

Chapter 5: Gotcha!

She stared silently down at the men beneath her. How did they find her so fast after last time? And oh, just perfect, she was again bathing when they found her. Was she not careful enough? This was quickly becoming a habit of hers. And it wasn't a good one!

Luckily this time she still had enough time to get her clothes on before she had to climb a tree, so the damage on her skin wasn't too bad this time. She was still covered in bruises and cuts from last time anyways.

But only minutes after she'd climbed the tree the ground beneath her was covered by men.

To make things even worse, the pain in her head was back, and it was absolutely not letting her ignore it like before. She felt like her head could just explode any minute now. Her nose had also started to run and she continuously had to fight the urge to sneeze.

The cold breeze that made the forest rustle softly didn't help either. Her hair was dripping wet from her dive in the river and she already had goose bumps all over her body. She would get a cold over her cold. 

Just awesome, she thought bitterly, staring down at the search beneath her. How will I ever get outta here, unseen and alive?

In that moment, many things happened at once. She was thinking, so she didn't watch her surroundings properly. Her still wet hair was dripping down on the forest ground. 

Normally not a problem, but it was if you were being hunted down and if one of your stalkers walked right beneath the very same tree you were hiding in.

And because her attention was now fully shifted to the man beneath her, who slowly touched his wet black hair and started to look up, she forgot she was fighting the urge to sneeze.

"Ha... Ha... Tsjaa!" 

It was not a small, little, ladylike sneezy, oh no. 

It was the kind of sneeze that couldn't be covered up. It travelled through your whole body, making you arch your back first and then letting you sneeze forward with all you got.

Unfortunately, a few inches in front of her head, was a thick branch.

So when the sneeze came, there was simply no avoiding possible. With a sick making thud she hit the branch, causing her to see starts. With her already throbbing head it was just too much and, together with her balance, she lost her consciousness.


When she woke up again it was already dark, the only light coming from the moon above her and the campfire in front of her. She was laying on the cold, hard ground with her hands chained in front of her. Thankfully there was some sort of pillow shoved under her head.

There was still someone hammering inside her head, but it wasn't as bad as before. The most pain was centered on her forehead now, where she'd hit the tree. She examined her head carefully, but sure enough the only thing she would have to remind her of the accident was a giant bump.

It was temporarily, but still. With a groan she sat up and inspected her jewelry. Tight, leather cuffs with a chain to connect them covered her wrists. They wouldn't come off easily. 

And that, of course, is exactly the point of them, she thought with a defeated sigh.

The chain was luckily not too short, she could move her arms actually pretty well. When she sat up straight, she still could reach the ground on both sides of her hips without the chain protesting at all. 

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