Chapter 19

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How did things escalate so quickly? That was what Cassandra worried about. A few days ago she still had her freedom, or at least something that could pass for freedom. And now she laid here, helplessly chained to the bed of a warrior named Ashe.

Literally the only thing she knew about him; his name. She didn't know his motives to keep her here, nor what his role in this kingdom was. The only thing she knew about this guy was that he wanted to make her his.

He was appearently just another guy that wanted to march into her life and take her freedom away.

Well actually, he already succeeded. She was chained inside a room, but even if she'd manage to lose the chains, she would still be imprisoned in this castle that looked more like a fortress. And she probably wouldn't escape out of this chains, cause he'd learned his lesson.

These shackles weren't the same as the ones she'd managed to undo earlier. The lock was specially designed... she already tried to get it off, but she couldn't figure out how the lock worked.

She sighed and gave up struggling with the lock. She fell back on the bed and stared at the high ceiling. Why did such things always happen to her?

The why was, however, not her biggest concern. She had one thing to figure out above all: what she could do about it - how she could escape.

It was time to stop being such a coward around Ashe, and try to get some real answers out of him.

After all, if she'd met him before she became a mere prey to catch to him and the other hunters, he most likely would be the one that had to treat her with respect. She had to remember her heritage, and stop being intimidated by his mere presence. Satisfied with her new set goals, she soon fell into a light slumber.

Ashe marched out of the room, unhappy to be disturbed.
"What is it?" He questioned the young servant boy that had dare knock on his door. A look of fear crossed the boys face at Ashe's tone.

He gulped audibly, and quickly explained he was just sent by the head of command to get him.

Ashe cursed under his breath. His brother, like always, with his bad timing!

With a sign he nodded to the boy that he'd delivered his message well and had permission to go, before he forced himself to let go of the doorknob. Although he'd like playing with her much more then talking to his brother, he'd have to wait. She'd have to wait, he grinned to himself.

He practically ran through the castle. He wanted to end this meeting as soon as possible, eager to return to his room and take his place next to her on the bed. Entering the great hall, he immediately spotted his brother casually lounging on the throne at the middle of the table.

"John." He aknowledged him with a nod. Although they were twins, and looked physically almost identical, their characters differed like day and night. He was the more mature one, thinking his actions through and always controlling his emotions, while his brother was more impulsive and lust-driven.

"Ashe! I'm glad to see you, brother. I heard you went hunting, and just learned that you were back, so I dicided I should check up on you."

Ashe's eyebrows raised. His brother had never been very caring for him, in fact; he'd always been quite jealous because he was the younger twin and wouldn't inherit the throne. He doubted his brother had a sudden change of heart.

"Well, you see I'm alive as ever. In fact, I've aquiered simething to entertain me for a while... So you better be short, so I can return to her."

"Her? Ah... I see you've finally moved on from the betrayal of..."

Before John could finish his sentence he was ripped from the throne he was hanging on, and forced to face Ashe. Eyes blazing with anger made him cower away in fear.

"Do not speak of her!"

"So the treason did hurt your feelings..." A short look at Ashe made him realize he was on dangerous ground so he quickly added "never mind."

Releasing his brother of his hold, Ashe put his blank mask on again. He rarely let his control slip. And surely not regarding a damn woman.

Although the one is his bedroom also infuriated him with her defiance. He knew she'd try to escape soon, even though she had to realize she couldn't run anywhere. It kinda seemed the women he dind't want, were running towards him, while the women that he actually did want, wanted to run from him.

Well, he'd make sure this one stayed right where she was - chained on his bed. There was no better place for a woman then the bed of her master, after all.

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