Chapter 31 - Evening encounter

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Ashe approached her slowly from behind, like a predator would court it's prey. She kept silent, staring at the fire in front of her, but he knew she'd sensed him. He noticed the tiny movement of her squaring her shoulders. He seemed to notice every little thing about her, so severe was his obsession.

He couldn't resist the temptation she was. Trailing his fingertips over her shoulder he traced a path to her neck. He heard her small gasp for breath when he applied some pressure - nothing serious, but enough to tease, to let her know who was in control. A sideways glance at his mirror let him know she was watching him through the damn thing. Her eyes wide, but surprisingly calm. He smirked at her reflection, causing her to blink twice before she looked down with a slight blush on her cheeks. 

Something had shifted in her attitude in the short period after she'd left the bathroom. He was sure, she was still afraid of him, but it was different. It wasn't the panicked fear he'd seen after her whipping, nor the sexual nerves that dominated her aura during their bath. No, it was something else, and he hoped it would be good for them.

Letting her neck go, he walked towards the big armchair. Sitting down, he threw a cushion down to his feet, before gesturing for her to come to him. She got his intentions immediately - he wanted her to sit on the floor - and she didn't like it, yet she complied wordlessly by shuffling towards him and dumping her ass on the pillow between his feet.

He felt like he should say something, but he didn't want to ruin this moment, so he just grabbed the pre-deposited brush from the sidetable and started to comb her drying hair. He knew she loved this and he wanted to give her something she could like without fearing him. After her punishment and reward lessons today, she deserved it.


Cassandra sighed softly, content with his hands moving through her hair. This moment felt good, finally. No battle of willpower, no sexual herrasment, no tension filled room for once. Finally something she could silently enjoy without keeping her guard up all the time. 

Their moment was slightly interrupted when the door slammed open, revealing the tiny angry form of Lyla.

"Ashe! Are you coming to dinner? You just returned and I haven't seen you all day!" She stormed into the room, ready to jump her big brother in her fury, but when she noticed Cassandra sitting on the cushion in front of him her anger disappeared instantly and she skipped to a halt next to them. "Oh, hi Cassie!"

Ashe laughed and pulled her onto his lap for a quick hug. "Sorry little sis, I was..." he made eyecontact with Cassandra, smirking at her before adding "...preoccupied."

"I know, I know... you were playing with Cassie all day!" 

Damn, the girls description was surprisingly accurate. He had been playing with her. She felt her face heating up but tried to ignore his knowing smirk and focused on the small girl. "Hi Lyla! I'm sure you had a wonderful day without him." 

She was surpised when Ashe merely laughed at her statement. He dropped the brush back on the table and quickly braided her hair to one side before pressing a soft kiss on the other side of her neck.

"Allright Cassie, seems like I have to give my sister some attention." Lyla squiled at Ashe's words and was already halfway through the room. She scrambled quickly to her feet, her legs already a bit stiff from sitting on the floor. 

"Stay here, behave for me. I'll be right back... with some food."
Food, finally! She'd been shackled up most of the day, wich seemed to become a bad habit, so the last thing she ate was the chicken from last night. She couldn't stop her eager agreement. He had the decency to look somewhat guilty, before disappearing after Lyla.

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