Chapter 16 - Answers

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Even though his actions terrified her, she still felt some odd kind of reassurance by his words. At least she wouldn't be given to his men, it seemed.

Carefully twisting out of his arms, she walked back to the bed with her head low. She sat down with her arms in front of her belly, refusing to show him anything more than she absolutely had to.

"Okay. So why, if I'm... yours," she slightly hesitated at the meaningful word. "Would you want me to die?"

His face betrayed his anger towards her when he followed her to the bed and stood in front of her.

"Wrong question, honey." Maybe sitting doen wasn't such a good idea. It made her feel vulnerable.

"Again, why would I go through the trouble of catching you alive, when all I wanted was having you dead? I really thought you were smarter."

She glanced up at him, on edge from the frustration hearable in his voice.
"So why did I almost die yesterday?"

Seeing her insecure look his face softened. He felt the need to explain it to her, she just looked so... fragile.

"Look. That wasn't supposed to happen. Let me be clear: if you follow my orders, you'll be rewarded, if you break them, you'll be punished. But I didn't - and won't ever - want you to die. Despite your misstep at our arrival here, you did great so far. And I'm sure, although certainly not intended, your near death experience has been punishment enough for that."

She didn't know if she should be glad with his words.

"The reason you almost died yesterday had nothing to do with me. Ah well, it had to do with me, but not with my intentions towards you."

She looked up at him in question, waiting for the clue of his weird choice of words.

"You see, there was this woman that guided you to the cell yesterday?"
She nodded in answer.

"Well, she was the cause of your suffering. Her aim in life is to get what is not hers, and that - is me."

"What the hell? Why would she want to kill me, if she's after you?" She jumped up en pushed hard against his chest in her sudden burst of fury.

He pushed her back roughly, but careful enough not to hurt her.
"I don't know excactly. She's just jealous."

Her eyes widened in surprise.
"Are you joking? What do I have that she doesn't? It's certainly not my freedom she's after!" She yelled the last part while she tried to hit him again.

He dodged her attack with ease.
"Calm down. Now. I won't tolerate this attitude from you ever."

His face should have been enough warning for her, but she didn't look at him.

"No! You're ridiculous. You're all so freaking ridiculous!" When she lashed out again he grasped her wrists roughly. Pushing her back she tumbled backwards onto the bed.

His body held her uselessly struggling one down while he easily kept her arms trapped above her head.

When she realised she couldn't move an inch under his weight, she forced herself to stop trying to get out of his hold.

When she calmed down enough to his liking, he turned them in a swift movement around, so she was laying on top of him. His arm sneaked around her waist to ensure her stay, while his other hand cupped her cheek and lifted her head to his.

"She's jealous of you because you've got something that she never had and won't ever have."

"And what is that?" Her eyes were tranfixed in his.

"My undevided attention." The spell that had seemed to surround them for a moment broke instantly when she started to laugh.

"You're kidding me, right? That's not somehing you'd kill somebody for! It's not even something you'd want if your life depended on it!"

"No?" His eyes narrowed to little slits. She realized her mistake too late.

Grabbing her hips he had her pinned down under him again in a second. The sudden rolling caused her to spread her legs enough for him to force his body in between them.

"Want to have a little taste of my undevided attention, honey?" His erection pressed against her hot core, while his eyes wandered shamelessly over her body.

With his thumbs he traced slow circles around her hipbones.
"Maybe it will change your mind."

Litte tremors shot through her at every slow circle of his thumbs. She stared up at him, still in shock from his sudden actions.

"I don't... I don't want..." Tears started to form in her eyes when the realisation dawned that he could do with her whatever he wanted and she couldn't do a thing. She was helpless against his strength.

Even her own body betrayed her. She wanted to wipe the smug look of satisfaction he showed at the shamefully wanting reaction of her body from his face.

Knowing she couldn't do or say anything anymore she just turned her head away in defeat. She guessed it would have happened sooner or later, so why not now?

But to her surprise he only nibbled softly on her earlobe for a second before he left her laying on the bed.

Staring at her at a few feet from the bed, he combed frustrated with his hand through his hair.

"When I take you, it won't be like this," he murmured. She noticed his word choice.

"If you take me," she corrected him.

"When I take you. It'll be with your consent. Not like this."

She just shrugged, missing the energy to keep the conversation going.

"You're tired." It was a conclusion, not a question. "You need to rest. I'll wake you in an hour or two to let you eat something."

With that he left the room, leaving her to her undesired thoughts and fears. She had the horrible feeling that his 'when' would soon come true.

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