Chapter 25 - Rules

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Her heart fluttered nervously when she skipped past Ashe, entering his surprisingly sober decorated study. Last time she ate with him he stole a still-whenever-te-be-claimed kiss from her, humiliated her by feeding her from his hands, and drugged her. What was he up to this time?

He closed the door behind her and guided her with his hand on her lower back towards the big desk in the middle of the room. She felt the warmth through her dress and she thanked the heavens she had something normal on right now.

On the desk in front of her she saw a plate with various dishes on it, looking and smelling delicious, yet she didn't dare touch it. 

"Sit here." He led her around the desk, to the only chair in the room and motioned her to sit down. She did so hesistantly.

"You hungry?"

Of course she was. She nodded, distrustingly looking up at him.

Surprisingly, he took the plate loaded with food and placed it right in front of her on the desk. He even handed her a fork and a knife, before he took a seat on the corner of the desk.

"Help yourself, love." Her hands clenched around the cutlery at his words but she decided to let it pass. No matter if she said something about it, he'd keep saying those stupid sweet designations. It would be a waste of her time and her warm food to start a discussion about it.

"It's not drugged, is it?"

He raised his eyebrow and shook his head, looking down at her with his arms folded. She just shrugged, it was logical she asked that, right?

Eyeing the food she choose to start with a piece of delicious looking grilled chicken that smelled heavenly. Skillfully cutting around the skin and bones she'd soon devoured half of the chicken. 

Becoming painfully aware of his eyes studying her assault on the chicken carcass she stopped halfway with the fork to her mouth with another bite. Her cheeks warmed up, embarrasment clear in her eyes. "What? I love chicken."

His eyes sparkling, he laughed at her. 

"Yeah, I noticed."

The laugh on his face, in combination with his still tousled hair made her eyes widen at the sight and her ovaries may have exploded simultaneously. 

Damn, Cassandra, get your shit together! He's your enemy, he is not handsome at all. Stop this thoughts this instant, or you could just as well spread your legs already!

She quickly averted her eyes, and finished the rest of the chicken in silence while he kept watching her. Why was he acting so carefree all of a sudden? This had to be the first time he wasn't intimidating ot threatening her. Was this some kind of silence before the storm?

Fed up with him and his weird behaviour, and her stomach full with grilled chicken, she shove the plate away.

"Had enough, honey?" She nodded, watching him, still alert.

"Alright, then leave. Just to be clear, you're still sleeping in my bed. Don't make me search for you tonight."

"What?" She knew Ashe could practically see the question marks in her eyes but she didn't care.

"Leave, before I change my mind and start your month right now, honey. You're tempting me." He narrowed his eyes at her and in an instant the man she feared was back.

Not wasting another second she jumped to her feet, passing him on her way out. An encouraging light pat on her ass had her speedwalking towards the door, and she only relaxed again when the door closed after her.

Only now it occured to her he hadn't eaten at all, he was just watching her the entire time she ate. What was that all about? 

With shaking legs she distanced herself from his study, deciding to find a maid and ask her for directions to Ashes room.


After spending the rest of the evening in his study, finishing some administrative work, Ashe decided to call it a night and go find out if his little distraction had actually listened.

He smiled inwardly while he made his way to his chambers. His assumptions about her were already confirmed. He came up with a very simple failproof test to see if she could be royalty or not.

She knew how to use her cutlery properly, so she had te be someone from high ranks. Lower class members would either be very unhandy with the knife and fork or wouldn't use them at all.

But who? As far as he knew, none of the higher class members of his country went missing. Besides, he would know her if she came from here.

That meant she had to be a foreigner, probably from one of the neigbouring countries. He should probably sent one of his men to investigate this further.

Quietly opening the door, not wanting to wake her up in case she was asleep, he entered his room.

He knew she'd be confused, his demeanor at dinner went a little against his normal approach. But he wanted her to act natural, and for that he needed her relaxed... Or well, as relaxed as possible. Therefore he skipped his threats at dinner, didn't even touch her that much, despite how tempting it was. How tempting she was.

He could be a patient man. Especially when there was something to look forward to.

Approaching the bed he looked down at her sleeping form, half covered by the blankets. Of course she slept in the dress he gave her. Stubborn girl. Couldn't give her an inch.

Maybe confusing her had benefits too... a confused girl was a lot easier to influence then one with her guard up. Maybe he could switch between the two personalities? Like good Ashe, bad Ashe? That would certainly keep her on her toes.

He grinned, dismissing the thought. He much rather was both at once. She could handle the full package. She had to. Quietly undressing himself he slid next to her in his bed, pulling her softly against him and burying his nose in her hair.

Tomorrow his month started, and he couldn't wait.

Better be ready for me, love.


Woohoo things are about to get... *wink*

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