Chapter 21 - Lessons

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With a sigh she dropped to her knees. She figured she didn't have much choice if she wanted some food in her empty stomach. The last time she ate was yesterday morning, when they where still in the forest.

"What? You actually listened without me having to threathen you? Not even a witty remark?"

She kept her eyes trained on the food, trying to ignore his words and banning the swirl of emotions they caused to the back of her mind. This was not the time to act instinctively.

If she wanted to escape, she'd need all her strength. And without food in her stomach any kind of escape would be impossible.

So she kept her mouth shut, and folded her hands in her lap.

"Ah, I see... you are a fast learner if you want something from me..." his voice trailed off. He seemed to think of something amusing while he took another mouthful of the food.

Her stomach rumbled again at the sight of him eating. Her eyes shifted nervously between the food and him. Was he going to eat all of it? She listened to him, so she deserved some food now, right?


It amused him how she battled herself to stay silent. He made a mental note about her willingness to listen once food came into view, something she seemed to want enough to swallow some pride. No doubt it had something to do with her plans to resist him longer or even her hope to escape, but that didn't bother him. Let her hope, let her try... she would still be his in the end.

His eyes found her again, even on her knees, in a sheer dress, she kept her dignity. He took a minute to admire her. Her straight back, her head held high, everything radiated her defiance, despite her listening to his command. He grinned. Time for another lesson.


Ashe stood up and turned his chair abrubtly around to where she sat, slightly to his right, startling her. 

He sat back on the chair right in front of her, too close, so she was kneeling in between his knees, with her head suddenly at an awkward distance from his crotch. She wanted to shuffle backwards to create some space between them, but he reached forward, wrapping a hand in her hair to keep her on her knees. "Stay."

Refusing to show her fear she looked him in the eyes. His commands infuriated her, but she clasped her hands together, keeping her emotions in check.

He grinned. How far could he go before her obedient mask shattered? She challenged him and he couldn't resist.

Perhaps he was cruel for not giving her food yet while he knew she was starving, but for now it served him well.  Of course he wanted to keep her healthy and full of life, so she would eventually get her food regardless of what she did,  but she didn't know that. 

"Tsk tsk sweety, you want some food?" He waited for her confirmation before he continued. "And what did you do to earn that right? You haven't exactly been a cooperative hostage. You tried to escape me twice, for example."

She couldn't resist to glare at him now and added in a soft mumble. "And succeeded once."

He tugged warningly at her hair, not really hurting her, but catching her attention again. "Careful, darling, I doubt you want to get me in a bad mood now?"

She avoided his eyes. "No."

"Hmm, good girl. So, if you want food, I want something in return."

Her eyes snapped back to his, alarmed at his words. "And that something is?" She was sure it wasn't something she'd like. 

"A kiss."

"A kiss?"


"Just a kiss?"

"Just a kiss."

"Nothing else?" Hell, why was she even considering this?

"Nothing else."

"Why do you want a kiss? What's the trap? And why do you assume I'll give it?"

"Why? I didn't make it a secret that I want you and I'll get you, right? There is no trap, it's just a kiss, as I said." He stared at her, trying to read her mind.

"Do I actually have a choice?" She was curious, but his answer didn't surprise her.

"Not really. You won't get your food and you'd just try to delay something that'll happen no matter what you do. If you won't give it, I'll take it sooner or later."

She gasped, shocked. "What happened with your 'I won't force you'?"

He grinned, he loved how easily he could influence her. "No worries, honey. I won't take you against your will... but I will kiss you, touch you, take everything from you... except your virginity."

His declaration didn't calm her in the slightest. She was in more danger than she'd thought. 

"But sweety, enough about the not so distant future," his fingers traced her face, his thumb caressing her soft lips for a second and his eyes focussed on her. 

"Make your choice, darling."

* :)

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