Chapter 24 - One Last Day

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She was so adorably cute.

He was positive she didn't fully grasp what she gave her consent for. His talk about earning her freedom was what made her say yes, just like he thought. But did she really think he'd set her free that easily?

He smiled. It didn't matter to him. A whole month of free play, delicious. She didn't even try to bargain with him or ask more details of his intentions.

He honestly didn't think it would take him a month to tame her. He could have her broken in a few days if he wanted.

The problem was, he didn't want that anymore. His goals changed in the short span of time she was in his property. She intrigued him in more ways then just sexual.

The mystery swirling around her identity was also a puzzle he wanted to solve within the next month. He didn't even know if her real name was Cassandra, Catharina, or neither for that matter. He touched the expensive pendant hanging around his neck. He had yet to confront her about it and the bracelet she still wore. Could it be some clue to who she was?

She moved gracefully yet talked back like a man. Was she perhaps of royal lineage? That would explain the jewelry... But if that was true, how did she survive in the forest for so long? 

Deciding he'd find out soon enough, he cleared his mind. In the end it wouldn't matter who she was exactly. She would be his, even though she was a fighter, of that he was certain. She would make a lovely challenge.

Sure, he would tame and take her... but not break her. He would only make her bend...


Cassandra ran through the castle, searching for a way out. Every time she encoutered people she slowed her pace to a normal walk, but as soon as she was out of sight she continued her search.

Not long after Ashe left, a servant brought her some food and a dress. A normal dress, actually. She was confused as why he'd sent it to her, but wasn't going to complain. Maybe he was in a good mood because she accepted his deal, wich she already regretted.

She feared what tomorrow would bring her, but she knew there was no turning back. He wouldn't allow it.

So if this was her last day of freedom, she should make it count. She had to find her way through the castle and store all the possible escape routes in her memory, for the day she'd need them. Maybe even escape already, but she feared that would not be happening today.

Rounding another corner, she ended up in what she assumed was the great hall. Many people were scattered all over the place, knights, upper class and townspeople alike. Her eyes glanced over te chattering crowd, quickly skipping to the grand doors that stood wide open.

Possible exit number one.

But it was also the most expected way out. No doubt she'd been caught in minutes if she tried to escape this way. A hostage could dream though.

Longingly staring at the open doors she didn't notice Ashe approaching.

"You know, you have permission to go outside if you want."

Startled from his sudden appearence next to her, she jumped slightly. Quickly composing herself, she turned towards him.

"Is that so?"

"Of course. Why not?"

"Maybe because I'll try to escape from you at any given opportunity?"

"Correct, kitten, you'll try..."

"And I'll succeed! Stop calling me things."

"You seem quite certain about escaping, kitten." He ignored her comment and just smirked at her.

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