Chapter 30 - Aftermath

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Shame burned through her when the euphoric feeling slowly vanished. How could she find pleasure in the hands of her enemy?

She hung her head, not daring to look at anything while she tried to gather her thoughts and emotions. Everything felt kind of numb, like her body wanted to relish in the pleasure as long as possible and didn't want to hate her captor yet. Instead it seemed to search further comfort in his warm chest that was still pressed against her back.

Ashe on the other hand loved the feeling of his satisfied girl in his arms. After she'd reached her peak he'd retreated his hands a bit, rubbing soorthing circles over her thights. He wanted nothing more than to explore her further, but he knew it'd be too soon. She had to think, to start doubting her feelings of hate for him... she had to stop seeing him as her enemy and most of all she had to want him. Want him like he wanted her. So patience was what he needed right now, and not the raging erection that was snugly pressed against her ass.

He kissed her neck softly while she came down from her high and started to tense up once more.

"Good girl."

He couldn't resist. Nibbling her earlobe he felt the heat coming from her cheeks and he chuckled, watching her start to squirm in his hold.

"Please don't..." she didn't know what she was going to asking for, but he seemed to understand.

"Shht, I won't."

Lifting her out of the tub with ease, he carefully pat her dry with a soft towel. While he pampered her a bit he noticed her eyes darting around the room, looking at everything but his eyes or his manhood.

He'd do something about her nerves cosidering anything sexual soon, he decided. He wanted her to look at him with confidence when she'd... he stopped his train of thought, refocusing on the present.

Ashe wrapped her in a comfortable robe before instructing her to sit by the fire in his room to dry her hair. He send her off with a playful pat on her ass. "Off you go, darling."

Thankful he'd at least clothed her this time, still a bit shaken from her orgasm by his hands and very nervous about his still obvious excitement down under, she hastily did as he said, without a comment.

Refreshing, yes, but he wondered how much it took to bring her back to her stubborn strong-willed self.
"If I knew you'd be so mellow after just one orgasm, I'd let you come a lot sooner, sweety."

That did it. He watched, amused, as she stopped dead in her tracks, glaring at him over her shoulder. Her emberrasment showed clearly on her face, but despite the shame her eyes held a storm of deadly intent and he simply loved it.

She still felt ashamed for her body's betrayal but her fury surpressed it easily. Overtook by her anger she missed the amused smirk he sent her way while he continued to casually dry himself.

"You let me? As in I 'wanted' it and you merely 'allowed' it?" She painted imaginary quotation marks in the air for added effect. "Insinuate that I wanted what you made my body do one more time and you'll regret it. I may have given my permission for you to do... a lot, but that doesn't mean I want or enjoy it!"

He raised one challenging eyebrow, but he decided to let it go, intrigued. "You want to deny you liked it? Guess I'll have to put in more effort next time. And what exactly would you do that'll make me regret it, sweetheart?"

She realised the only honest answer would be 'nothing', because she couldn't do anything - except trying to escape of course - but she wasn't about to back down yet.

"It's better if I don't tell you. You know, so you can't stop me beforehand."

"Whatever you say, darling." He wrapped the towel he'd been drying himself with around his hips before stalking towards her.

"Better get your pretty ass to that fire now. Or maybe I have to make you come once more, so you'll be more compliant?" He mockingly emphasized the 'make you' part.

Her eyes widened at his threath, and before he'd reach her she turned around and all but fled the bathroom.

That cocky bastard! His chuckle followed her into his bedroom, where she spotted the freshly lit fire. In front of it laid a soft rug and above the fire sparkled a large mirror, that hung slightly tilted from the wall. She could see herself when she sat down on the rug. There was also a massive chair, but intuition told her it was not meant for her to sit on.

She couldn't completely deny his words. She did enjoy his hands on her. But how could she forget he was still an arrogant, girl-whipping, medieval-minded man?

She could still feel the whip on her skin, and she quickly lowered the robe to inspect her back now that she had the opportunity. She gasped when she noticed the red marks were already fading.

She'd thought... she'd felt... But appearently he only made it feel like her skin was ripped open, and didn't actually scar her skin. It was even more humiliating to her that she gave in so soon. But that wouldn't happen again, she assured herself, fixing the robe. Never.

He was playing his games with her, but she knew she could play them and still win. Whether it be tomorrow or in four weeks.., she'd be free again.

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