{Chapter 43}

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I smile sticking my tongue out taking a selfie in front of the Empire State building. I take another selfie beside it like from a side view so it looks like I am licking it. All of a sudden Four jumps in photo bombing it holding up the piece sign and licks my cheek making me give a shriek and wipe my cheek off.

"Are you serious?" I ask with a slight chuckle. Four and I both look at the picture to see my mouth open wide and him with his eyes closed and tongue on my cheek, we both have on shades so you can't see our eyes.

"Remember that, so when I lick you. You better not act like a little bit-" I am cut off from the sound of Gabriel and Christina shouting to us.

"Stop boo-loving and lets go." Christina shouts and my cheeks flush as I stick up my middle finger.

"Where do you guys want to go now?" Jessica asks placing her phone in her pocket.

I shrug my shoulders as we start to walk away from the Empire State building going to West back towards the street. My feet are killing me but I am having too much fun to even think about going back to the hotel room. Even though there are fun things when we get back.

The plans are to order some food in and play games all night; Truth or Dare, Never Have I Ever, and hide and seek in the dark. I can't explain how happy I am to go play that but, that is for another time and anyways Meech, Jessica, and Chris have to go to the ABC store to get some alcohol.

As we are walking across the street, I notice that someone in a jeep is blasting: Finna Get Loose by Pharrell and 'Puff Daddy'. I whip out my phone and record us dancing across the street while a few people laugh at us.


We decided to go see the Statue of Liberty and then took a trolley around town then went to Times Square. We all decided that tomorrow we are going to get some lunch after our meeting tomorrow and then go to a arena to play paintball and maybe a shooting range. Then we are going to Hoboken New Jersey to go to the 'Cake Boss' restaurant, 'Carlos'. Then hang at the hotel and then when night falls we are going to some bars and hang in Times Square.

Now we are in the car jamming to music such as Throw Sum Mo which of course is Christina and I's song. There is a bit traffic going back to the hotel but the best thing to have in traffic is WiFi, food, music and company so right now we are lit.

"Four," Gabriel says holding his hand out for the third time. "You are being real childish holding on to them sour patch kids." Gabriel says and reaches for the candy but Four snatches it out of his grip.

When Four isn't paying attention I reach my hand out grabbing the candy and start eating some and giving it to everyone back there all while Four tries to grab it but we are too quick but of course Marlene being her dilly self she drops the bag and Four snatches it off of the floor rolling his eyes muttering how childish we are.

"Finally!" Marlene shouts as we start driving again but guess what an idiot decided to cut me off and do at least five miles per hour.

"Oh hell nah." I shake my head in annoyance. One thing I hate is when people drive slow and cut me off. . . now I guess I got the combo.

I put my blinker on pushing my way into the middle lane, speed up and easily cut her off without scaring her for a car accident.

"You're horrible." Four laughs as I start to slow down and I chuckle and continue my way to the hotel.


"I only call you when it's, half. Past. Five!" The girls and I sing as we get dressed into something comfortable for the next activities, Jessica, Meech, and Chris are at the store now as we speak and all of the boys are in the room getting dressed, of course their room and the vine guys are going to come to our room when they are dressed. "The only time when I-"

"Shut up!" Lynn shouts rolling her eyes as I slip on my cotton jogger shorts to match with my black cropped black hoodie that has a red middle finger in the middle. My hair is in a really messy bun and I have on these little furry boots that I got from Walmart they are slippers. "You guys have been only singing the same verse for the last ten minutes."

"Don't fight the feeling, Lynn. Join in." Shauna says and straddles her sister pushing her down on the bed and kissing all of her face. As I hear the toilet flush I hide behind the dresser to put to scare Marlene coming from out the bathroom while Marlene, Tina, Christina, and Shauna sing, 'No Type'. All of a sudden the doors open and I pop out scaring her and Marlene screams loudly and then trips on her foot falling on the floor and I can't help but to howl with laughter along with everyone else.

My legs start to wobble and I fall on the floor laughing really loudly as my face starts to turn red from laughing so hard. It's not the fact that she was scared it was the fact that she fell to the floor.

"I-I-I-" Lynn says trying to form words but ends up laughing harder. We are literally screaming with laughter.

"I'm so weak!" Christina shouts laughing on the bed, I can't even look at Marlene without bursting into laughter. I crawl my way out of the bedroom to the living room to see all of the boys lounging around on the furniture since we left the door unlocked.

I fall down in front of Caleb's feet and cover my red face as I laugh really hard.

"What happened?" Caleb ask as I push myself on my feet walking into the kitchen to drink something to calm me down. Christina tells him how I scared Marlene and had to get into detail on why it is funny, I catch a glimpse of Marlene and spit my water everyone and burst into more laughter, this is going to be a long night.

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