{Chapter 56}

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[Four's Point of View]

Having Beatrice Prior as my girlfriend is the best thing ever. Even though it's been one week, it's been the best week ever. That Friday was the day that I took her out to eat at the top of a hill where she informed me where Eric once took her. I got takeout from a great Italian restaurant and we sat on the hill eating, talking, and laughing all night.

I even told her about my family and how Marcus used to abuse me until 5 years ago when he got a promotion and was rarely home. I told her about how my mother died because of Marcus, how she killed herself in the bathroom. It even went as far as telling her my real name, Tobias. I didn't even tell Olivia my real name, it's just something I feel like Tris should know about.

She is way better than Olivia. . . and way funnier. She is naturally funny, it's just something about having her as a girlfriend makes her seem like a comedian. I was glad when I went to her parents and told them that we were dating because her mom literally jumped into my arms screeching how happy she is for us. Mr. Prior was very impressed on how I came into the house greeting him properly and telling him that same day I asked her out, he called me a true gentlemen. Everyone know's that we go out except for people at school, but all of our family and friends know. . . even Marcus.

Now I can publicly kiss her when I want to, hold her small hand, lift her up in my arms, and hold her body until the end of time. Right now we are all sitting down watching television while we wait for all of the adults to finish doing the last touches, maybe if they were to stop talking and laughing then we would be in the midst of eating as of right now.

This is my first time spending time with people other than the Pedrads for years now. Ever since my mother died we didn't have home cooked meals for Thanksgiving. Marcus would go to parties and I would be at the Pedrads since they knew about Marcus and would let me spend the night and basically become apart of the family. . . and I am enjoying it.

"Would they stop talking already? My stomach is eating my stomach right now." Uriah complains from the love-seat sliding down until his body is half way off of the couch, pouting his lips.

"Says the boy who ate a whole bowl of stuffing before we left." Zeke says sarcastically with his arm around Shauna's shoulder. The way that we are sitting is kind of weird but comfortable. On this couch is Tris and I, with Lynn and her little brother Hector. On the love-seat is Uriah and Marlene, Zeke and Shauna are sitting in separate fold up chairs at the table where we are going to be eating at in here.

Will and Christina are sharing the recliner and Al, Cara, that Noah guy, and Ashton are sitting on the floor. It is both comfortable but weird at the same time. Just as Christina gets up to see what is taking so long, Mrs. Alexander- Al's mom walks out from the back holding a spoon while  laughing.

"Al, sweetie, can you run to the car and grab the wine please." Before Al could respond or get off of the floor Tris is already off of the couch.

"I'll get it!" Tris shouts holding out her hands and Mrs. Alexander throws the keys to Tris who catches them.

"Backseat, on the left behind the driver side."

As Tris stands up to leave after she shrugs on a long jacket and some shoes, I stand up beside her following her out of the door.

"You're following me." Tris announces placing her slender arms around my waist as we walk down the little pathway to the three steps that leads us to the sidewalk and then main street.

"I know, I just had to because it's dark outside and I wouldn't want you getting hurt." I kiss the top of her head and she clicks the unlock button and a black maximum lights flashes on. "You look amazing." I say pushing her up against the car she smiles at me and I wrap my arms around her.

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