{Chapter 79}

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Graduation, the day where I walk across the stage and finally become an adult. I don't have to live in my parent's house anymore, I don't have to come home a certain time, and I'm on my own. . . I'm not ready for that. I want to be around my parents because I love them, and I want to make sure that I keep on pleasing them to the fullest.

Things have changed in the past three months. We went to our senior trip which was to the Islands which was great and a fun time to soak up the sun. Tobias and I had our issues during those three months but we were able to still be calm. As for vines, things are going amazing. I still go on the trips and they were finally able to come to Chi-Raq which was amazing because they were able to see how I live. I actually quit my job at the old Aeropostale because. . . it was Aeropostale. . . I got a better job now working at a clothing store that is more up to date.

Now, it's the end for our high school years. I came in without a amazing boyfriend, and crazy friends and now I am leaving with them. It's been a great journey with an almost cliche high school year, it was fun messing with teachers and skipping class. But now I have to get serious and think about what colleges I want. I never thought that making small quick video's would get me into this type of lifestyle I am currently in now.


"Sweetie, you look beautiful." Mom says as I walk down the steps of our house. My mother―all of our mothers ― went to the mall recently and went shopping for our dresses. It almost seemed like we were shopping for our wedding dresses because they were so pushy. Mom didn't want anything too tight on my butt and she didn't want anything too short and flowy. . . she's confusing.

"Thanks mom." I smile. I think today is actually the first day where I am wearing more than eyeliner and mascara. I actually have on blush, and eye shadow. Of course none of that foundation and concealer because that's just way too much. But, Christina did a great job. . . I mean, my eyebrows are on point. I do look nice and I want to continue to look like this but I refuse to wear all of this makeup.

Christina did a nice gold mixture for eye shadow, and a peach/nude lipstick. I just still can't believe that I look like this. The dress is beautiful and my shoes are gold pumps. I'm really nervous that I will fall when I walk on stage. I, of course, am not going to do the speech. Someone else is doing it, I don't know particularly who but I know that I am not going to do it. I don't have the guts to do it. Christina did my hair too, she took out the curls and tamed my huge hair so that it would be put in curls.

 Christina did my hair too, she took out the curls and tamed my huge hair so that it would be put in curls

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"I can't believe that my babygirl is growing up." Dad gives me a hug and kisses my cheek, practically suffocating me. "Look at you, graduating in America." Everyone burst out laughing. Dad didn't think that I would graduate in the United States of America, he thought that we would have graduated back in Puerto Rico.

"Not to get everyone's panties in a bunch," Christina starts and all of our parents give her a look, including Caleb and I. "But, we're going to be late if Tris, Caleb, and I don't leave. . . like right now." Everyone in the house starts pushing us out, spraying perfume and snapping pictures.


"Beatrice Prior," I shake the hand of almost the whole staff and take my diploma and wave at my crying parents. I smile and go down the steps back to my seat clapping when Caleb gets his next. I sadly am not able to sit beside my friends due to our last names, but at the end we are all going out to eat.

At the end of the graduation, pictures are being snapped, people are crying. Everything all happened at once, finally we are able to go to a secluded area with all of our friends and families to take pictures, "Alright, Tris and Caleb. This is for your grandparents." Mom says holding up the camera, "Say, la graduación!" I smile at the camera.

"La graduación!" We both say and smile, then we trade off with Uriah's family to take pictures and then we finally take another one of the million group pictures. "Its over," I kiss Tobias on the cheek smiling.

"We are finally out of school, away from all the hoes and bros. We can just focus on work and be together." Tobias kisses my cheek and I smile hugging him tightly, "I love you." He whispers in my ear.

"I love you too," Before I know it, Tobias swings me up in the air and I shriek and then our parents snap the picture. Honestly, this is the best day ever. I am so happy to be around my friends and spend this time with them, through all of the crazy things that we've been through in the past year with Olivia and everyone. Ashton even decided to come out, and some of my vine friends. I lived a vine life but I also lived a great life. . .and I hope to continue.

On my first day of hell, I thought that it would be the most boring thing I have ever experienced. But, when I joined clans with my brother's friends, we all became the best friends. Even though I kind of stole my brothers friends from him, but I have the greatest family. We've been through it all together, and I wouldn't know what I would do without them. They are like my brothers and sisters, excluding Tobias. They are all my rock, and I wouldn't know what I would do without them, I can't emphasize that anymore.




The End!

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