{Chapter 33}

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm blasting some stupid tone. I go to reach out to turn it off but when I do I touch skin, I open my eyes slowly and I see that I touched inked skin. I almost start to freak out when I realize that I fell asleep at Eric's place, after doing some things.

I cut my alarm off and I slide out of Eric's grip and try my best to stand up. I look at the time and see that I have enough time to take a shower. I quickly go to the bathroom and look through his cabinets and I find a stack of white towels and white wash cloths.

I get in the shower and see that all he has is male soap, at least he doesn't have girl stuff in here because that would call suspicions. Great, now I am going to smell like old spice for the rest of the day.

I wrap the towel around me and dry off and then I slip on my same bra, I am going to wear boy briefs today, because I refuse to put on the same underwear, or I will go commando.

I exit the bathroom with my towel wrapped around me, even if I still have on my bra. I see Eric awake this time laying on his now made bed.

"2 things, do you have a spare toothbrush and you should let me wear some underwear." I say with a smile and he laughs standing up and looking through his drawers.

"I have an old pair of briefs that I haven't wore in forever, they are too small." He says handing me the briefs and I smile at him. "Toothbrushes are on the cabinet on the wall, top shelf."

I go to turn around but he grabs my arm and kisses my forehead.

"Good morning."

"Good morning." I reply then continue to the bathroom to finish getting ready. While I slip on the briefs that actually fit really well, he wasn't lying when he said that they were too small, thank goodness for Eric's lazy spirit sometimes.

I go to open the door to get dress in hopes of Christina having spare clothes, or clothes in my trunk.

"I have clothes some jeans clothes that you left a while back, I kept them." He says handing me a pair of jeans and what looks like a tank top.

"Creep." I joke poking him in the side.

"A creep for keeping your clothes?" He says with a chuckle. I laugh and start to get dressed while he goes to the bathroom to freshen up. I know that I am just going to have to put on my same shoes, but this tank top isn't going to work. It is cold outside.

I look through his drawers where I find his college hoody that I pull over my head. I leave my hair down and slip back on my shoes. Eric walks back out in his bedroom wearing different boxers. He pulls on a shirt and some pants with shoes.

"I am assuming that you need a ride." He says and I nod my head at him.


I officially made to school on time, even when Eric decided to stop by Starbucks to grab some coffee and scones. Now I am gathering my things to leave when he stops me and I turn back around.

"Bye, have a good day." He says and I chuckle pecking his lips.

"You too." He pulls me back in for a kiss and I pull away before I am late and make my way inside the building. I see Four sitting on the concrete 'seats' with his arm slung around Olivia. I don't know if he was watching me the whole time, but who cares.

I can barely turn the corner of the hallway to get to my locker before I hear a loud screeching noise and Christina is in my arms with her legs wrapped around my waist, seriously, why does everyone do that to me.

"Where were you?!" She panics and I try to move up but stumble because I can't see.

"Will! Help me!" I shout and I feel her being peeled away from me and I take a deep breath and I start walking towards my locker.

"Why do you smell like old spice? You smell like a dude." She gasp loudly, "You were with E-"

"Christina, calm down. My only intention is to go to my locker." I say with a sigh as she moves out of the way and I walk to my locker opening it and I place my things in there, grabbing my phone and headphones and my stuff for Art History.

After that she pulls me into the bathroom and starts applying eyeliner and hands me lip balm before I could even object, then we are out again going to Art History.

I sit down and she sits on her normal stool which is beside me.

"So tell me why you have on Eric's hoody and smell like a dude." She squeals as we start working on our assignment which is to continue the clay project. I roll up my sleeves and start rolling the clay.

"Well, like I told you yesterday. He took me to his place." I say with a little blush on my face as I start to coil the clay.

"What did you do?" She says with a wink and nudge. For once I am happy that the girls are late, and Will is trying to be on his phone without getting caught.

"Nothing." I say as I wrap another layer around and smooth the clay so it would stick and not go off when it goes in the kiln.

"You are blushing, you wouldn't have came to school without his hoody and wouldn't smell like old spice. Unless, you went to his house, got very comfortable if you know what I mean, then woke up and took a shower realized you didn't have clothes and then he gave you clothes." Christina says and I don't say anything just keep on trying to match the replica of the pot that I drawn on a paper first.

Christina gasps loudly and does her signature squeal and Mr. Vaughn looks up from his computer.

"You are way too loud, lower your voice." He says and I roll my eyes while Christina continues to giggle.

Soon the classroom is filled and Christina and I's best friend pots are on the cart for Mr. Vaughn to take and we are 'assigning ourself for other assignments' but we are just talking.

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