First day at work

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I am also a writer on and my username is also kpopshipper66 with the same story uploaded, but if you can, please use instead at thank you!

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You jumped up in joy. Finally! You had a job that didn;t include washing dishes and putting up with rude customers! Since you were an orphan, you hadn't had any money when you ran away from the orphanage where you were 14. But after 5 years of hardwork, you were finally able to get a position at YG Entertainment as a secretary,

Today was your first day and you couldn't wait to meet new people. You changed into a neat blouse and pencil skirt and headed off to work. "It's such a nice day" you murmered to yourself. "I should treat myself to a nice latte today" you thought and you went to an expensive coffee shop near your apartment.

Just as you were walking in, another girl was hurriedly rushing out and she bumped intoyou. The coffee in her hands spilled and your shoes were ruined with the flow of hot coffee. "Ohmigosh!!!! I am soooo sorry!! Are you ok?" You gave her an assuring smile and said "It's ok,I'm fine" but in reality your feet were drenched with the hot liquid. "That has to hurt!! Do you need to see the doctor???? I'll buy you new shoes!!!" she exclaimed.

Seeing that she was really upset, you said, "I'm fine. Seriously. Just treat me to coffee ok?" She continued to insist but when you told her that if she did anything more, you would get upset, she instantly pulled you into the cozy cafe and handed you a menu. "Get whatever you want ok?" A waiter instantly came over and asked "Would you like something else Miss Jung?" Clearly she was a frequent.

You were staring at the busy waiters and you thought " This cafe actually has waiters just to serve you coffee instead of you walking up to the counter! Whoa. This makes my usual cafe cheap."

"Um, you can order something." The girl's high voice caught your attention. Finally looking at her straight, she was beautiful. No, gorgeous. Ok, I need better words. She had long, smooth hair that framed a narrow slim face with perfect facial porportions. She was perfect.

Grabbing a menu, you looked at the fancy lettering and thought 'If only I were this pretty and rich".

"Ok, I'll just have a vanilla latte. Thank you."

"Are you sure? Do you want any cookies? Cake?" she asked. On her suggestion, you looked at the cake section and your eyes popped at the prices. $9 for a slice of cheesecake??!! What a rip-off!!!

Politely, you said "No thank you. I'm in a little of a hurry today."

"Oh ok!! I won't make you late!! Waiter!!" she squealed. Instantly, another waiter came over and took your order while giving the girl meaningful looks.

You leaned over and whispered "I think he likes you"

She laughed "A lot of people do"

"I totally forgot! My name is Park ~~~" you said.

"My name is Jessica Jung. You wanna trade numbers?" she asked

"Sure!" grabbing your phone that seemed so old compared to hers, you switched phones and added each other to the contacts list. Unsure of what to put, you just put "Park ~~~" When you got your phone back, you saw that she had put herself as "Your new friend that spilled coffee on you <3" Smiling, the two of you left the cafe and went your seperate ways.


At the office, your new manager introduced you to your officemates and he lead you to your office.

"So this is where you will work with the other secretary ok?"

Walking in, you noticed the pretty decorations and the nice furniture. Then you noticed the other secretary.

"So ~~~, this is Jessica Jung and she is the other secretary here at YG Entertainment. I hope you get along nicely! I'll leave the 2 of you to talk to each other alone. I'll be in my office"

The moment he left, you were engulfed into a big hug. "I can't believe you work here too now!!!! I'm so excited to work with you!!!! This must be fate!!"

Giving her a wide smile, you hugged her back and she instantly began to teach about the rules and daily jobs of being YG Entertainment's secretary.

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