Lotte Word part 2

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Laughing, you tugged on his arm and led him to another ride.

For the rest of the day, the two of you joked and laughed until your tummies hurt and both of you had spent a fair amount of money buying souvenirs for each other as jokes.

Finally 5:30 rolled around and both your stomachs were growling and attracting quite some attention.

"Wanna go for dinner?" you asked.

"Um... I had a place in mind" he stuttered in that hot voice of his. How am I supposed to say no?

"Sure!" you exclaimed smiling like a fool. He grabbed your hand and led you out to his shiny white  Mercedes G-350 (The car in the background)

and being the gentleman he is, he opened the door for you and said, "Wait, don't do anything yet" emphasizing "anything". You sat very still and waited until he climbed in but suddenly, he leaned over. Gasp! What is he doing?? His face is so close to mine...... He reached over, grinned and his arm snaked around you........ and grabbed your seat belt. You sat there confused until understanding hit you as he buckled you in with a sharp snap!.

Recovering from your disappointment, you asked, "Where are we going?"

All he said was, "A surprise" and focused on the road.


Looking out of the window, you saw residential morph into urban and classy. Bright lights and colorful storefronts demanded your attention but a part of you was focused on what was going on inside the car. Seunghyn's sparkling car was unbelievably comfortable and the luxurious details that told you that this car was certainly not cheap.

"I like your car" you piped up just to make conversation, but instantly regretted it. You sounded so childlike.

For the first time yet, he looked over and smiled at you.

"I'm glad you like it. In the "Blue" music video, this car was in it and I fell in love with it and soon, I had saved up enough money to buy one. Ah and here we are" he announced.

Across the street in a secluded corner was a quiet restaurant that was sparkling, but modest. Seunghyun turned into a parking spot and got out of the car. Quickly, you unbuckled yourself and was about to open the door, when the door miraculously opened on its own. There, holding the door open wide, was a smiling Seunghyun. He bowed slightly and you blushed.

At the restaurant door, he did the same and this time, you patted his head and grabbed his hand, pulling him inside with you. The restaurant was decorated beautifully but simply with lights that gave it a glowing atmosphere. "We have a reservation for 2 under the name of VIP" Seunghyun said to the waiter smoothly and the waiter instantly nodded and led you to a room at the back of the resturant. He politely held open the door when the two of you were seated, and left the room.

Internally, you were shaking with curiousity and nervousness. This seemed like an expensive resturant and there was a bottle of red wine on the table. Unlike you, Seunghyun was comfortably reaching for the bottle and opening it. "Do you want some?', he asked. "Sure" Pouring the wine he nodded with his head towands a menu on the table. "You can pick whatever you want and don't worry about the prices." Flipping open the menu, you saw that the menu had no prices but next to the luxurious dishes opposite, you knew that they wouldn't be cheap. You sipped the wine slowly and looked at the options trying to pick something that wasn't too expensive but suited your taste.

Suddenly, your menu was snatched away and still not fully comphrending what was happening, the waiter silently appeared and disappeared with the menus in hand. "I didn't even order anything yet!" you exclaimed just about to complain about the poor service. "Calm down, did you think I would let you go hungry? I already ordered in advance, but I just wanted to see if you wanted anything else, but since you were having so much difficulty, you clearly didn't.", said Seunghyun across the table.

The food that soon arrived was beautiful and tasted just as good as it looked. The entire meal was spent making small talk and you soon learned that Seunghyun loved wine and donuts.

After the meal, he led you back to the car and without speaking, drove you to the Han River. "Let's go for a walk" he said and took your hand. Unconsciously, you shivered at the contact and distracted by his touch, you missed the smirk that passed on his lips. Strolling quietly, you tried not to stare at the way his beautiful profile was framed against the lights. How his nose was so perfect. How peaceful he looked. How plush and soft his lips looked.

Suddenly, he sat down on a hill pulling you with him. "What?" you exclaimed but he put his finger on your lips signaling you to be quiet. Unsure, you followed his example and didn't say anything. He turned to you and asked, "Are you happy today?" Startled at his question you stammered, "Yes." He gave you a look as if prompting you to go on. "Today was a great day. I had an amazing time watching you put on headbands at Lotte World and it was sweet of you to reserve the restaurant." You paused. "But I still don't know why you invited me to come out with you today"

He looked at you meaningfully and leaned in. Your head instantly started going haywire at the tiny space between you and just how close he was. His lips twitched up into a smile and he whispered, "I wanted to spend my day with you because I wanted to do this" and leaning in further, you felt his lips brush against yours ever so softly. You sighed and taking this as consent, he cupped your face and kissed you deeper with his luscious lips that made colors explode in your head and a rushing feeling coursed through you. Eyes closed, you drowned in the heavy sweet scent of him and the feel of his lips on your lips. Wrapping an arm around him, you pulled him closer.

Finally, he moved away until only his nose touched yours. "I guess this means I have a girlfriend now, right?" he whispered. Knowing the challenges you would face being the girlfriend of an idol, you still couldn't help what you were feeling. All along today, the feelings of wanting to talk to him, to give him hugs and the wishing that time would stop had all pointed toward this. How could you have been so dense? How could you have not seen the signs in either of you? How could you have endured so long without knowing?

You loved him. Choi Seunghyun. TOP. The one who had stolen your heart after only having seen him twice.

Smiling, you whispered, "You had one all along, you just didn't know" and you leaned in, feeling his lips meet yours.


kekeke...Likewise, after watching blue, i fell in love with the g-350 and I couldn't resist putting it in. I know it looks really square and lego-like but I just like it a lot. (maybe it has to do with top being next to the car......)  ;)

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