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Seunghyun had taken you back home and while washing up, you were still giggly by the previous night's events.


"Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow right?" Seunghyun asked in the doorway. I cringed internally. Work reminded you of Byunghyun. "Um, yeah, I guess." "Well, I guess I'll be leaving. Bye." As he turned and began to walk away, you closed the door and sighed at the prospect of work tomorrow. "WAIT!" You whipped around and opened the door. What happened? Was Seunghyun hurt? Suddenly, a pair of undeniably soft lips crashed onto yours. His warm lips moulded into yours as your arms found their way around his neck and his arms were wrapped around your narrow waist. Your heart exploded in happiness and your joined lips drew back gasping for air. Even after your intense kiss, your arms stayed in place not wanting to let go. Similarly, his arms tightened around you and tilted his head to give your forehead a slow, gentle kiss. "Goodbye" he murmured before his arms slipped away while your's fell slack. As you watched his departing form, your body ached for the lulling warmth of his until a gentle voice caught you. "No." Who was that? You flung around only to see a door down the hallway close with a soft click. It was Byunghyun's door.

Flashback End-

Your happy, fluffy mood vanished at once. Why? Why couldn't I have both of them in my life? You sighed. Going to work was the last thing you wanted right now but you didn't want to push your luck with your boss. After all, he had been plenty lenient with your sick days.

On the way to work, you watched the infuriatingly slow traffic crawl by. Looks like even the heavens didn't want you to go to work you joked internally. Normally traffic was unbelievably smooth and quick. I wonder what the hold-up is. Upon reaching a busy intersection, you finally identified the cause of the sluggish traffic. A car had crashed into a church and there was a leaving ambulance that had its sirens blaring. Poor soul. I hope they'll be ok you prayed mentally.


  I hope you guys liked this short preview and I'll try to update with a longer chapter soon! :D

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