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What the f*uck.

F*cking Teen Top was here. Right now.

Just like last time, the last thing you wanted was Byunghyun to be here. Life really hates me.

Hoya pulled you to his side and handed you a shot. "Let's go say hi" His unyielding hand dragged you to the nearby booth. You tried to pull away and hide behind him but it was too late. Teen Top had already seen you. "Hey Hoya! Having a good time?" shouted Chunji loudly. "Who's that?" he peered at your lowered face. "Common" urged Hoya "Don't be shy" You raised your head slightly and the world crashed down onto you. There, staring directly into your eyes was Byunghyun. His dark rings were evident but his gaze was steady. Overwhelmed by the guilt and awkwardness, you blinked and looked away. "Let's sit with them" said Hoya and you suddenly wished him, hot as he was, a painful lonely death in a dark, dark hole.

The crowded booth was filled with girls fawning over the members but you only had eyes for one. Two girls had their arms around his neck and a filthy hand was pressed to his chest. They whispered into his ears and you didn't even want to know what they were saying, but he stayed unfazed. Motionless, he stared right back at you. His dark eyes were empty and tired. This time, he looked away and reached for a shot. You gasped. On his hand was a huge badage partially covered with his blazer. Through the white, you could see seeping red but he seemed unaffected. Picking up the shot with what appeared to be no difficulty, he downed half before giving it to one of those sluts and turning back to your staring contest with a glint in his eyes. Sure that you were looking, he pulled her close with his other unbandaged arm and kissed full on the mouth. Her arms snaked up into his hair and he pulled her closer. Their heated kiss shattered your heart but you could feel the stronger guilt swallowing you alive.


 Super-duper short update I hoped you guys like. :D

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