Meeting them again

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Skipping into the office, Jessica immediately noticed your good mood.

"What's the occaission? Anything good happen to you? Or are you just excited that we get get to see Big Bang again and you can see your TOP?" she asked

"No! And since when was he my TOP?" I just made a new friend at that cafe we first met at and he works at TOP Media." you answered innocently, keeping the part about that "him" is LJoe from Teen Top.

Giving you a doubtful look, she turned around only to whip back around. "Did you get a boyfriend??"


When you and Jessica walked into the meeting room, Seunghyun noticed you and shot you a friendly smile. Luckily, Jessica was too busy fangirling over G Dragon to notice.

"Omo! Look! He looks extra hot today!!!! Eeekk!!" she squealed.

Soon the meeting began and you handed out the papers to all the idols and when you reached Seunghyun, your hand accidentally brushed against his and a jolt of electricity shot up your arm. Trying to hide your blush, you quickly moved on to G Dragon who gave you a mysterious but friendly smile and you smiled back uncertainly.

For the rest of the meeting, you and Jessica sat quietly and you soon noticed that she constantly flashed looks at G Dragon. Smiling teasingly, you nudged her arm and she blushed prettily.Sighing, you wished that you could be as beautiful and perfect as her but you knew that she was just born luckier. You couldn't do anything to change the fact that she was just born prettier.

"So if you have any questions about the new rules, you can call or text the secretaries. Here are their calling cards and the meeting is over." announced Yang Hyun-suk.

You instantly handed out all the cards and began drifting to the refreshment table while Jessica slipped over to talk to G Dragon.

Walking over, a plate of cookies suddenly materialized in front of you and you realized that Seunghyun was holding a plate of cookies.

"You can have first pick this time" he teased and you blushed lightly. "Thank you" Taking a chocolate chip cookie, you smiled timidly and followed him to the refreshment table where you got a cup of coke.

"Coke and chocolate chip cookies. I must try that" she said with a blinding smile. You grinned and dug into the enormous cookie.

"Whoa, aren't you scared you're gonna get fat like all those other girls?" he asked "I thought girls were all concerned with their weight and didn't actually eat"

"Stop being so biased, that's just a stereotype that you can see, does not apply for all girls" you joked putting some crumbs on his hair.

"NOOO!!!!! DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG IT TOOK ME TO DO MY HAIR??????!!!" he screeched earning amused looks from everyone. He grabbed some chips and dumped them onto you head and you yelped.


"That's what you get for messing with the almighty TOP." he said throwing a grape at your face.

Dodging, you said "You asked for it. Do blame me if your hair is completely destroyed after I'm done."

Ignoring your threat, he threw another grape at you and you deflected the grape with your arm. Grabbing your nearly finished coke, you poured it over his head and ran for it.

Locking yourself in the girl's washroom, you heard him shout your name. "~~~, you better come out." Deciding to ignore him, you took your time applying lip gloss and sat down on the counter. You weren't stupid, you didn't want to be attacked by juice or whatever.

Suddenly, you heard silence. He must have walked away! Waiting for a moment longer, you opened the door to have coke poured on you.

Seunghyun's tall form loomed over you and you instinctively cowered. A sudden smile broke out on his face and he began laughing.

"You should have seen your face!!!" he said breathlessly. Erupting into laughter again, you joined him this time.

"That was so fun!!" you laughed.

"I know right!" he choked out while trying to control your laughter.

That night, you walked home feeling happy and your mouth twisted into a smile upon remembering Seunghyun's face.

"What's so funny?" You jumped, and turning around, you saw LJoe next to you smiling.

"You scared me! Why are you here? you exclaimed

"I live here" pointing up to the apartment building. You felt like complete fool, of course!!

"So what was so funny?" he asked again

"Oh, I just got into a food fight with a co-worker and I was thinking about it" you replied with another smile appearing on your face.

Smiling that gorgeous smile, he walked with you into the elevator and pressing the number 10, you blinked. That was your level! So you lived on the same level as him and you never knew?

"Aren't you going to press your level?" he asked curiously

"Um, no, I live on that floor too"


When you arrived, you walked to the end of the hallway, unlocked your door and waved at LJoe who was doing the same 2 apartments down.

He smiled mysteriously, and disappeared into his apartment. I wonder what that smile meant.

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