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"Teen Top! How are you?" greeted Hoya. "Great thanks"said someone you recognized as Chunji. Please don't invite them to sit with us, please don- "Come sit with us!" "Sure! Just let me get the other boys!" Within a minute he returned with the rest of the his group members and you held your breath unsure of the situation but at the same time not wanting Ljoe to see you here. You mentally scoffed. Why did it matter what he thought anyway? He was your ex-boyfriend/ lover but you loved Seunghyun now. The group exchanged meaningless greetings that you could were only out of courtesy as the group squeezed into the booth with Hoya on one side, and Ljoe on the other tightly pressed against you. Blushing, you squirmed in your seat the boys both shifted to give you more space. You looked to Ljoe. "Hi oppa" He smiled and was about to speak "Hey! You know him and you call him oppa?!?!" interrupted Hoya. "Um, yeah. We live in the same apartment and he spilled his donuts on me in a cafe" pause. "And we are actually old, old friends" you added unsurely to ease the tension and it was the truth. Upon hearing your reply, Ljoe beside you beamed and shifted a bit closer. Internally, you sighed. Just because he had been your lover didn't describe the present. You loved him, but you weren't sure it was that kind of love and you didn't want to lead him on to a situation where he would only end up hurt. Suddenly coming up with an idea, you snuggled up to Hoya. Hoya blinked but welcomed the sudden skinship and affection immediately. "You wanna drink babe?" "Sure" he handed you his beer and you sipped it before returning it back to him. He took a swig and moved even closer to you. While you and Hoya were being all touchy, you partially listened to the conversation around you. "Niel, isn't Teen Top's new album coming out soon?" "Yeah, we're gonna be really busy soon and practically living at TOP Media. You giggled at the name and thought back to your amazing boyfriend. I wonder what's he doing now. " Hate to disappoint, but I should go now. " you announced. All the boys pouted at the loss of their only female companion but complied know that you probably need to go but only after assuring you that you would be always welcome at either table if you ever saw them again. "I'll walk you out" said two voices simultaneously. You glanced at Ljoe and them Hoya. You took Hoya's hand and pulled him out the booth. "Two men aren't necessary to show me out" you said quietly knowing that Ljoe would be hurt but you said it anyway. You just wanted the best for him. Right?

Walking out the club, Hoya turned you around so that you were facing him. "What's your number?" he asked pulling out his phone. Seeing your slight reluctance he added, "Friends should have each other's numbers" Glad that he was not hitting on you, you gave him your number and got into your car. Being a gentleman, he closed your door and waved to you as you pulled out the parking lot and disappeared from his sight.


The next morning, you were greeted by three texts.

Seunghyun oppa <3

Good morning!! See you at work *wiggles eyebrows* I love you! <3

unknown number

Good morning!! Your Hoya oppa wants to go clubbing again with you tonight~~


Can I talk to you when you're available?

You groaned at the last one. Had he not gotten your message from last night? Was it not clear that you did not want to date him? Ignoring all but the first text with a hasty "Good morning! I luv you too!! <3" you dressed and headed to work feeling nervous, like something bad was going to happen.

Yay! I updated! Sorry about the short chapter though. :'(

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