Our Past

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After your flashback, you stumbled back into reality. You stumbled and he caught you. "Byunghyun" you breathed. "Do you remember now? he asked kindly. "Yes, but I don't get it, after I fell, I shouldn't have gotten younger. I should have stayed the same age as you" you asked confused. From what you knew, fallen angels were sent down to heaven as they were right after their wings were ripped off by the border between heaven and earth. But why had you come back as a baby? Fallen angels became immortal on earth, but you were aging everyday.

Suddenly he fell to his knees and started crying. "I'm so sorry, you shouldn't have fallen with me. An archangel was ordered to punish me and not only did he exile me, but he decided to force you down with me and make me watch you grow up without knowing anything about you. I watched over you when I found you in Korea but I wasn't sure if you remembered anything."

Looking at him sadly, you hugged his suddenly familiar form and patted his back. "It's ok now, I remember. " He looked up. "What do you remember?" Everything? Some things might still be hidden."

"Um I remember how you and I were neighbors when we were kids and we became best friends in elementary school until we hit high school and you asked me out. Then we went to Lotte World and after, you brought me to a fancy  restaurant. Then you took me to the Han River and there you kissed me for the first time on a hill. My mom", you paused relishing and reminiscing in being able to use that word and continued. "was the best mom after my dad died with cancer."

You stopped. The images in your head scared you. Still, you pushed on, "Then in our last year of high school, our parents took us on a trip during winter to a resort and, and we were driving to the resort when, when the accident happened." you said your voice dropping to whisper. "Our parents were fine but just me and you died. I remember seeing your face bloody. Pale. Dead." Unable to hold back the tears, you began to cry silently with tears streaming down your face with no signs of stopping. Still, you went on. I went to the hospital, but when I realized that you had died in the car, I didn't want to live anymore. I couldn't image life without you. I needed you. After I went to sleep, I never woke up again on earth. " You smiled sadly. "But when I woke up, I was with you. I was so happy but I was so worried for leaving my mom. She had lost all the things dearest to her but I remember how you comforted me and how all the other angels told me that I could look over her and tell her that you were ok in dreams. Suddenly everything was ok. We were model angel together but one day, I heard that you  had been exiled because you had tried to go down to earth without authorization. I was so so worried but so so confused. Why would you want to go to earth all of a sudden? But later I was sent to God and He told me that you had wanted to talk to my mother."

You looked at him beside you. "It wasn't your fault. After I found out, I begged Him to exile me too so I could be with you and he consented but on my way down, I was stopped by someone and everything went black." Smiling, you took his hand and looked at him. "Now here I am with you"

He too, smiled and squeezed your hand. Leaning in, his lips met your forehead and he pulled you up. "You look tired. I'll walk you up to your apartment." You smiled and let him lead you up to your apartment.

At the door, he let of your hand and placed a necklace into your empty hand. "Just to ensure you when you wake up that this wasn't a dream" he said softly. "This belongs to you anyway. On my way down, I took it to feel closer to you. Now I'll return it." Feeling the smooth pendant, you suddenly felt a strong pulse emitting from it and instantly knew that he had bought it for you before the accident and you had died holding it in  your sleep. Smiling lightly, you quietly said, "And now it will make me feel closer to you"

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