2nd Appointment of the day

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At 7:55, you and Seunghyun parked in front of you apartment and before you left, he quickly pecked you on the lips and undid your seatbelt. "Don't forget, meeting tomorrow" he said with a wink. You smiled and hopped out, waving as he drove away. Walking into your apartment building, you saw Byunghyun leaning casually on a pillar while scrolling on his phone. When he saw you, his phone immediately disappeared into his pocket and he walked towards you with a wide smile. "How was your day?" "Great" He smiled cutely and asked, "Wanna go for a walk?" Nodding, you followed him out of the building and together you walked towards a lit fountain. He pulled you down and you sat next to him on the edge of the fountain.

For a while, no one said anything. The silence was comfortable and you knew that Byunghyun had some type of objective so you waited for him to start first.

"Do you remember me ~~~?" he suddenly asked. "From where?" you asked puzzled. "Do you really not remember us?" You frowned. What was he talking about? Looking at your expression, he suddenly looked immensely sad. "You don't remember anything?" he said softly. "The perfect life we shared. The beautiful future we shared. Nothing?" his voice suddenly took on a desperate tone, "Nothing at all? Your family? Your friends? Me?"  You shook your head. I've only known you for 2 weeks!!

"Remember?" he urged. "When we were childhood friends together? When you took me to Lotte World? When I kissed you for the first time?" His voice dropped to a whisper. "When we were in the accident?"

You blinked in shock. What accident? You were abandoned at the orphanage when you were practically a newborn. Lotte World? What kiss? You just shared your first kiss with Seunghyun hours ago, not years ago! Was he ok? Turning to Byunghyun with concerned eyes, you shook his shoulder. "Are you ok? Did you hurt yourself today? Hit your head? I think you've mistaken me for someone else. I only just met you recently."

"Do you remember dying? Becoming a fallen angel?"

Your mind flipped. WHAT IS HE TALKING ABOUT? IS HE CRAZY?? "NO, I assure you I have not died yet, clearly, and I was abandoned at an orphanage when I was a baby!! Childhood friends? I only remember the dark days of facing the bullies at the orphanage. Lotte World? Today was my first time even seeing the place! First kiss?? I've NEVER kissed you!!! I'm NOT a fallen angel!!!

His face turned ashen. "You really don't remember" he whispered. Looking up, he said with a pained expression, "I guess I have no choice."

Then he suddenly crushed his lips onto yours. Your eyes instantly widened and you were about to push him off you when you discovered that you couldn't move. Countless memories flashed in your head. Images of unknown people, a kind woman, a beautiful girl, a tall boy. Then sudden brakes screeching. Pain. Blood. Darkness. But most of the images were of him. Byunghyun. Him laughing. Smiling. Running. Holding out his arms. Sleeping. Kissing you .

When he finally released you, you understood what he was talking about. You had been childhood friends. He had been your closest friend until friends became something more. Your mother. Your mom. She had loved you so much, she supported you in everything you did, loved Byunghyun like her own son. Your friends.

The accident. The reason that took you and Byunghyun's lives.

The reason you had become angels together.

The reason you had become a fallen angel.

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