Chapter 1

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Kira's POV:

My eyes snapped open when my alarm clock blared beside me. I reached over quickly and hit the off button. I felt dread fill the pit of my stomach, but even dreading what was to come I couldn't get out of it. Not if I didn't want to be messed with and teased more than I already was. This was ridiculous, but it was the way it was. Sliding out of bed, I made quick work of getting into my work out cloths. I packed another out fit in my bag, and headed down the stairs.

I wasn't surprised when I reached the bottom of the stairs to hear my mother singing in the kitchen. She was always up early, always making breakfast for me. I breathed deeply as I entered the kitchen. The auroma of pancakes filled my nose and made my stomach growl without warning even though I was to nervous to eat. My mother turned to look at me with a gentle smile on her face.

"Good morning Kira." My mother, Amara said softly. "Morning mama." I said as I sat down. I wasn't hungry but I knew that I needed to at least take a few bites to please my mother. I would hate for her to cook for me and for me to let her hard work go to waste. My mother set down a plate of pancakes in front of me and I didn't hesitate to dig in. After I was satisfied with eating as much as my stomach would allow I pushed the plate away.

"Alright Mama, I have to go. I'll see you after training." I said as I headed towards the door, I heard my mother say something but I didn't stop walking. I needed to hurry and get to the field so that I could get this day over with. I didn't want to go, but because my father was Beta, I needed to train. Though I didn't have to be the next Beta I am choosing to be. I need to prove that I'm more than what they label me as.

I grimanced as the thoughts crowded my mind unwelcomed. I don't ever want to remember the day that not only my heart broke, but pretty much everything in my social life just fell apart all because of one person. I never did anything to him, but did that matter? No. Did he care that he was the cause of my social humiliation, and outcasting? Not one bit.

I will never understand exactly why Alex did what he did. Just the thought of it was still bringing raw feelings. It happened four months ago;

*Flashback, four months ago*

I looked around for Alex since we always went to training together. When I spotted him with his friends I yelled for him but he seemed not to have heard me. So I called him again and made my way to him, but even with me getting closer he still didn't turn my way. Was he ignoring me? I frowned at the thought and jogged up to him and grabbed him by the arm to stop him from moving away.

"Alex, I've been calling your name. Didn't you hear me?" I asked, watching him closely. I could hear his friends whispering something but I chose to ignore them. Alex however had stiffened and then turned to glare at me in disgust. My heart clenched at the look, he'd never looked at me like that before and I was more than concerned. "Alex whats wrong?" I asked softly.

He seemed to snap, "you! Thats whats wrong, you! You're always following me, and calling me and clinging to me all the time. I never get time away from you Kira." He said harshly.

I blinked away the tears, I didn't realize that I was bugging him or even clinging to him. I thought that he had enjoyed my company as much as I did his. "I-I.." I stuttered and his face morphed into one of pure mocking.

"I, I what? Can't you even speak now? You never have any trouble talking any other time." He said laughing humorlessly.

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