Chapter 6

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I paced my room, my emotions high along with my anger. Why? Why would he do this to me? I've done nothing to deserve this. I could feel the anger turn to fury and I wanted nothing more than to destroy everything in sight. I was about to do just that when my door opened and my dad and mother stood there. My dad put his hand up making my mother stay, while he took a cautious step forward.

"Kira. You need to calm down, now." My dad said, demanding.

I heard the growl rip from my throat yet I couldn't seem to control it. I was mad, furious, no words could explain the dark feeling I felt. I knew it wasn't normal but I couldn't control it. I turned towards my dad, crouched and ready. I don't know why, but he'd just become a target, I heard the snarl echo off my walls and it took a moment to realize I'd done it.

"Calm down baby. I know your angry, I know your hurting. But you need- to- calm- down."

I took some deep breaths trying to, but it didn't work at first. I stood there shaking from suppressing the anger for what seemed like hours before I simply passed out from exhaustion. I didin't feel pain from the floor nor did I feel anyone catch me I just blacked out.



My father paced his office while my mother tried to calm him. "Why? Why would you do that to her?" He demanded for the hundredth time. I had been stuck in his office since Thomas and Amara left. I had told them everything. Everything that happened four months ago up till tonight. Of course I knew they were furious with me, but I believed that my reasons were- okay after getting my ass chewed I knew I fucked up but I couldn't change it now!

I deserved their anger so even as Alpha I didn't fight back and neither did my beast. "You have no idea what you've done to her, NONE!" My father yelled, his face red.

I thinned my lips, I knew I fucked up but I didn't understand the big deal. I thought of all people my father would understand. "Its not a bid deal." I muttered.

I heard my father snarl and my mother, Akira try to calm him by rubbing his arms. "It is! You've stripped her of rank! Doing that to a wolf of her rank can be deadly, not only did you do it after the ceremony itself you did it when you two are mates, and have problems!! She's weak, her mind will be in chaos!" My father yelled.

I sat silently, taking in the information, I stood up now mad that I was never told. "Why didn't you tell me?!"

My father got in my face, "because I didn't think I raised my son to be a coward!"

My mouth dropped in shock, my father had never been overly harsh raising me and though I knew he was right it hurt to hear him say it. "Fix this before not only Thomas and Amara lose their only daughter but before you lose your only mate!" He said near whispers before walking out of the room.

I stood frozen, my mother sent me a sympathetic but disappointed look. I looked down, clenching and unclenching my hands. How do I fix this?

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