Chapter 11

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Two days later

I groaned as I woke up, the man which I found out his name is Darius had beat me hoping to get me to beg for what I don't know. He didn't really clarify what I was supposed to be begging for. I moved slowly, gasping as my ribs throbbed along with practically every other spot on my body. I really wish that I had connection with my beast but because of the wolvesbane I was practically human now. No super healing, no mind linking, and because of the lack of food and water I didn't have full strength.

I mentally shivered when the door to the cells opened again, revealing a smirking Darius. I forced the pain aside and stood up, not wanting to appear any weaker than I already was. His eyes dimmed slightly at that. "I see you can still stand." I nearly gagged at his disappointed tone. "I may have to fix that. Are you ready to be mine?"

I growled low, "never you sicko."

He sighed, "why do you females have to be so difficult?" He opened the cell door and yanked me out, I bit my lip preventing myself from crying out as pain shot through my body. "Another round it is."

I wanted to scream, and beg not to be taken back to the table but I couldn't allow it. I couldn't appear weak! I tried mind linking my father, mother, Alex and his parents but nothing. Darius slammed me face first into a large steel table and then tied my wrists down, struggling though I was he was stronger than I was at the moment.

"They'll find you and kill you! Just like your brother!" I screamed at him.

He stopped moving and though I couldn't see him, I knew he was most likely frowning. I suddenly yelped as a cane slammed into my back it's snapping sound echoing. My body shuttered as the pain set in throughout my body.

"You will learn, no matter how many lessons we have to do." He smacked me again and again. By the time he finished he was breathing heavily and I could feel the wetness on my back. "Had enough? Are you ready to beg?"

I took a painful breath, "I'll never submit to you rouge!" I spat, my voice dripping with venom.

He chuckled then I heard him moving something metallic around. Because I couldn't see it made it more terrifying. What did he have? Was it a knife?

"We shall see." He suddenly grabbed my waist putting his erection against my thigh. "Maybe I should just screw you into submission?"

I bit my lip, praying not to throw up, I knew it would give him more leverage with his threat. The thought of losing my innocence in this way made my eyes sting with tears but I quickly blinked them away and remained quiet.

"Seeing you bleeding and bent over like this is a turn on. Are you a virgin?" He asked curious, but then sighed, "you have a mate so I would assume not." He suddenly growled and stabbed me in the thigh, unexpectedly, I screamed in pain. "You will answer me!" He demanded.

I opened my mouth but nothing came out. My body felt numb, and honestly I was now thankful for it. I closed my eyes and was praying the moon goddess would let the darkness take me.

"Alpha!!" I heard someone shout. "The pack found us!!!"

I heard Darius curse and yell back something that I missed. Was Alex and my father here? Please...

I suddenly seen Darius's face in front of mine and he grinned. "They found us sooner than I expected but- what do you think your mate will do when he see's you like this?" He chuckled but I was too weak to answer. My fear was for Alex. If he seen me like this he would not only be disgusted but he would be distracted. Tears filled my eyes and Darius wiped them away. "Don't worry, I'll kill him quickly. Or maybe I'll make him watch as I take his mate?" He chuckled again before disappearing into the darkness.

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