Chapter 12

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After two days of looking, following endless trails I finally found Kira's scent again. We had followed it to a shack like building, I didn't hesitate to send in our warriors, and attack everything that moved. It didn't take me long before I made it into the building. It was small, but following Kira's scent I realized there was a door which led down into a basement of some sort.

With Thomas and my father following close behind me I moved down the stairs, and didn't hesitate to kick the door in separating me from my mate. I growled loudly, but instantly stopped at the sight before me, my heart faltering. Kira was not only nude, but she was bent over a table. Her back was nothing but blood. I began to move towards her when I heard her whimper.

"Kira! Kira, baby.. it's okay now." I said, untying her hands slowly. I heard someone growl then suddenly seen my dads large wolf jump over the table and begin to fight with a greyish wolf that I never scented. Thomas ran over, his eyes shining with unshed tears as he covered Kira up with his shirt. I untied her hands and lifted her slowly, but no matter how gentle I was she gasped, and cringed in pain. "I'm so sorry.." I whispered, and she opened her mouth but nothing came out.

I handed Kira to Thomas's waiting hands, "get her out of here. I'm going to help dad deal with these guys." I ordered, and Thomas didn't hesitate to turn and leave the room. Every fiber in my being wanted me to follow mate but I couldn't. I needed to stay and make sure that these rouges learned their lesson.

I shifted, growling. My father instantly backed off and the grey wolf turned to me, snarling. He launched forward but the built up fury I've stored away for these two days gave me a boost of energy. I swiped my paw and sent him to the side then lunged at him, tearing into his neck. The beast in me wanted to drag this out, to torture him for what he did but I knew by giving in and rowing that I'd be away from Kira longer. I twisted sharply, feeling satisfaction at the crack, then sudden pop of his neck. I dropped his limp body to the ground and howled.

I turned to my father, son go to your mate. Ill stay behind and deal with the rest of the rouges. My father said.

I nodded and didnt have to be told twice. I shot out of the house, returing home. By the time I returned, Thomas had already handed Kira off to the pack doctor. Thomas was holding a sobbing Amara while my mother looked at me with worried eyes.

"Whats the news? How is she?" I demanded.

My mother moved forward, reaching out she grabbed my shoulder. "Son.." she began and I cut her off, "don't sugar coat it! Tell me how she is!"

My mother took a breath, "we don't know son. They've said that she has shifted, which you know makes a wolf vulnerable, it's how we think he was able to get her. She isnt healing, shes had several doses of wolvesbane from what they could see but they won't be sure how much until they test her. She wasn't fed or given anything to drink. It doesn't look good Alex."

I staggard, nearly falling to the floor as the news processed and honestly it felt like I'd been shot. Had I been too late? Was my beautiful mate going to die? I felt my mothers arms move around me but I couldn't respond. My body was slowly going numb. I wouldn't live without Kira, I couldn't.


This is a really sucky chapter- sorry..

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