Chapter 9

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I woke slowly, my body was sore and my head hurt. I opened my eyes and looked around, confused. I wasn't in my house, nor at the pack house. I tried to move and was instantly stopped by something around my ankle, looking down I realized I was chained. I was now alert, looking around quickly for whoever chained me up. My ear's perked at the sound of footsteps and froze when a large man walked through the door. "Where am I? Why did you take me?" I demanded.

The man ignored me, but I could smell that he was rouge. I was even more confused, I knew rouges were non-pack wolves some have been kicked out or simply just left, but I didn't know why I was taken by a rouge. The man moved closer and sat down in a chair, he then turned his attention to me and smiled. It wasn't a kind smile, more of a triumphant smile. "Hello Kira. You have a beautiful name. Do you know it sounds so much like Akira?"

My eyes widened but otherwise I stayed quiet. What did this man want with Alex's mother? "You see Kira, my brother was Akira's mate. And, your Alpha or well your former Alpha killed him. I want revenge." He said simply.

It took me a moment to figure out what this crazy rouge was talking about before I went stiff. Akira and Blayne had told the story to Alex and I about what happened all those years ago, about the insane rouge who had tried to kidnap Akira. It was a horrifying thought, and scary when someone was trying to steal your mate. I knew even though it was years ago that it still affect Blayne all the same. "What are you talking about?" I played dumb.

The man shook his head, "I'm not stupid. I know that you know about that, everyone knows what happened. Now, moving on. To get my revenge, I know from a little birdy that your the new Alpha's mate, Alex is it? So, I'm going to make sure that they come to me. I have something that they want, and while we're waiting you and I will have fun. You look young, how old are you?" He asked suddenly, curious.

I thinned my lips, not willing to answer him. I didn't want to give anything away accidently. The man chuckled. "I guess it doesn't matter. I've been in use of a female for a while, and thankfully when I seen you on that trail all by yourself I was planning on attacking, but you suddenly began to shift. I guess from all that I've heard, your body was under too much pressure and you passed out. So it was easier for me. It was too easy. Where was your mate? I'm surprised that he wasn't with you."

I still kept quiet, not wanting to admit that the only reason I wasn't with Alex even though he'd asked me to go with him was because I thought it would be better if I had a small amount of time to think. I now wished that I had gone with him. I really wish I had. The man suddenly stood and moved towards me, I prepared myself to defend myself but he stopped. "I also heard what happened four months ago. Poor Kira, being humiliated in front of everyone like that by your own mate. It's so sad that he didn't want you, but don't worry I want you. I'll take you, I'll show you exactly what he can't give you."

I was disgusted by his words and even though I was tied up, I wanted to hurt him. I lunged forward but as soon as I was about an inch away from scratching the grin off his face I was yanked to a stop by the chain. I growled in frustration. "Now don't be angry. I'll come back when you've calmed down. Also, don't bother trying to mind link anyone. I've given you a shot of wolvesbane, it'll block not only mind linking but you wont be able to shift nor communicate with your wolf. I know it'll get painful at time's but you'll survive." He grinned wider, "I'll enjoy breaking you." He didn't wait for me to speak again, but turned and stride out of the room. I nearly chocked on a sob as the door shut behind him, leaving me in the darkness.

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