Chapter 10

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I returned home, excited to see Kira. I had thought about her non-stop while I was away. The job wasn't even a job it was a conference so to speak, multiple Alpha's gathered around talking about rouge activity and that kind of stuff. I went straight to Kira's house and knocked on the door. I expected to see Thomas or Amara but was met with my father who looked grim and worried. I looked at him then tried to scent Kira but her scent was faint. I opened my mouth to ask where she was when my father cut me off.

"Come inside Alex." My father turned away and I hurried after him, I walked into the living room where Amara was curled into Thomas's side sobbing loudly, Thomas didn't look so well himself.

"Where's Kira? What happened?" I demanded. On edge at the sudden looks of sympathy I was getting.

"She was taken." Thomas said, his voice strained.

I stiffened, "what do you mean? By who?"

Thomas soon his head, my mother stood and grabbed Amara gently and lead her out of the room. "I don't know. All I know is Kira went for a run at ten a.m she didn't come home so I went looking. I scented her, but noticed that a rouges scent was mixed in. I couldn't find her.." Thomas ground out the last part coming out as broken as he looked.

I felt nothing but rage and worry. A rouge dared to touch his mate! I looked at my watch noticing it was ten in the evening. She's been missed for twelve hours now. I didn't want to imagine what was happening to her. "Has she linked you?"

Thomas shook his head, "no."

I growled out angry that they simply sat here instead of looking. "Why aren't you out there looking?!" I demanded lacing my Alpha voice in.

Thomas went ridged along with my father who turned to glare at me. "Alex we did, we're not giving up but your her mate. This rouge covered his trail well and we only got so far. The mate bond was needed but when I called you'd already left. We had to wait." My father explained.

I was about to apologize for assuming when Thomas suddenly stood and punched me, unprepared I stumbled back. "How dare you insinuate that I would leave my little girl out there!" Thomas growled, his eyes flashing fury. "She is my only child! I'd die for her!"

I stood up slowly, raining in my temper. I asked for that punch, "I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way Thomas. I- she's my mate. This wasn't the news I expected."

Thomas stayed silent for a moment and then nodded. "We need to get out there and search." I immediately mind linked every fighting male, and tracker and sent them out. "The trackers and the others are searching. Lets go." I noticed Thomas following but stopped him, "you should stay with Amara."

Thomas looked conflicted on whether he should stay with his mate or go look for his child when we suddenly heard Amara's shaky voice. "Go. Go find our baby Thomas." I looked over noticing both Amara and my mothers eyes red rimmed and swollen. "I'll stay with her." My mother said.

My father and Thomas walked over and gave their women a kiss before we walked out the door. My body shook with fury. When I find the person who took my mate they'd wish for death. I shifted and took off, following Kira's scent.

Big, Bad Mate #wattys2016 (Book Three)Where stories live. Discover now