Chapter 3

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Tomorrow came quicker than expected. I woke and decided to run so I could relieve some of the nerves I was feeling. Getting dressed, I went down stairs, avoiding the kitchen for the first time and walked out the door. I jogged my way the the trail then took off. I listened to the sounds around me as I ran, to my heart as it beat quicker. What was going to happen today? Who was Alex's mate? I couldn't help but wonder, though I used to want it to be me I at least prayed it wasn't Patty.

I was so deep in thought I didn't hear nor scent the rouge coming from my side until it was too late. The air left my lungs as I was tackled and I gasped trying to draw the much needed air into my lungs while bringing my legs up. The moment we hit the ground I kicked off sending the rouge over me. I quickly turned and stood facing the rouge, growling. The rouge quickly recovered, growling right back at me. I watched him pace widely around me, most likely looking for a weakness.

"Your trespassing on Night Pack territory- if you don't leave I will kill you." I said, hoping the rouge was smart enough to just turn tail and run but I wasn't overly surprised when the rouge lunged at me. I dodged to my left and sent a hard punch to his rib, listening to the instant growl. I cursed the fact that I couldn't shift yet. The rouge turned quickly, readying himself for another attack while I stood on defense.

Alpha, Dad- rouge! The run trail! I sent quickly through the link then cut it off the moment the rouge lunged again, but this time he was prepared for my dodge and moved as I did pegging me to the ground. I grabbed his throat, holding his snapping and sharp canines only inches from my face. I squeezed tightly hoping to either kill him or make him pass out. He brought his paw up and I felt a searing pain as his claws clipped my cheek then felt the instant wetness of blood. I was about to bring my knees up to kick him off again when I heard a growl so loud it shook the ground beneath my back.

I was confused as to who it was because I'm positive it wasn't Alpha Blayne or my dad. The rouge was suddenly off me and I stood up, staring at the large black wolf that now stood protectively between me and the rouge, growling low in his throat. It took only a moment to realize it was Alex.

The rouge sized Alex up and without warning turned and ran away, Alex took off following it while I just stood there in a daze. Why did my heart flutter when I recognized Alex? Why did I want to chase after him? I shook my head just as my dad and Alpha Blayne showed up. "Kira! Are you okay?" My dad immediately asked, grabbing my arm.

I nodded slowly, "I'm fine." I assured. "Take her back to the house." Alpha Blayne ordered as he took off after Alex and the rouge. I wanted to argue but I knew it would be pointless.

By time my dad and I reached the house I was annoyed. "Dad I'm fine, really!" He'd been obsessing with the cuts and small bruise since he'd seen them. My mother had walked into the room, then did a quick turn, dissapearing into the kitchen and returning a short while later with a wet rag, and ice. I grabbed both items from her and stood. "I'm going to my room, don't!" I said as both my parents came towards me, "I can take care of this, it's not bad. I promise I'm fine." I tried assuring again as I dissapeared upstairs to my room.

I sighed as I looked into the mirror and hissed, flinching slightly as I cleaned the cut. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply when I was done, and when I opened my eyes again I gasped as I seen Alex standing behind me, his eyes nearly black as he stared at the cut on my cheek. I cleared my throat, "did you get the rouge?" I asked quietly, for some reason nervous.

Alex's hand moved as if he was going to touch me but then put his hand at his side and firsted it. "I did. Are you okay?" His voice was rough, strained, and he honestly sounded worried.

I looked at him for a moment, confused. Was this Alex? The one who calls me 'it' and any other name he can think up. I gave a humorless laugh, standing up and walked to my door, holding it open. "I'm perfectly fine. Now I need to clean up, and get ready." I said pointedly.

Alex just stared at me for a moment and walked towards me. I don't know what was wrong with me! I bit the inside of my cheek, fighting the sudden urge to touch him as he slowly passed me. His clenched fist didn't go unnoticed as he passed but I didn't want to think about it and as soon as he cleared the door I shut and locked it.

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