Chapter 7

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I woke slowly and groaned, my head hurt along with everything else in my body. I was having a hard time remembering what happened the night before. I looked around the room and sighed. I was thirsty, and decided that I'd have to force myself to get up and move. Doing just that, by the time I was fully standing I was panting from the pain.

Ignoring it the best I could I walked to the door and opened it, hesitating. I was nearly knocked off my feet when Alex's scent surrounded me. I closed my eyes and took a calming breath, bits and pieces of last night coming back to me and filling me with anger. He had not only tormented me in my dreams after he threw me aside, he's taken away the one thing I truly had left. I opened my eyes and made my way slowly, and carefully down the stairs. Ignoring my parents, Alex's parents and Alex himself as I went to the kitchen to get a drink.

I filled a glass with water and drank it in one go, I heard footsteps and begged silently that it was anyone but Alex. "Kira-" Of course I couldn't get that lucky. I turned, my face blank as I stared at him. "H-how do you feel?" Alex asked cautiously.

I shrugged, and walked past him and back up to my room. When I had the door shut firmly behind me I sighed deeply. I had made it and didn't break down crying, nor did I beat the shit out of him. I felt tears sting my eyes and couldn't figure out why I was so emotional. I shook my head trying to clear it but it only made me feel dizzy. I sat down on my bed just as my bedroom door opened. My dad and Alex walked into the room. None of us spoke and it suddenly made me mad. "What do you want?" I growled.

My dad looked sad and Alex- Alex looked lost and devastated. I scoffed at that. Serves him right. "Kira, how do you feel baby?" My dad asked softly.

I looked at him blankly. "I feel fine. Angry, furious, pissed off.." I listed then clamped my mouth shut, "why is there something wrong? Because last I checked, I wasn't the one who treated your daughter like garbage." I wasn't going to sit here and act like I was okay with my father being buddy-buddy with the one male who hurt me.

Alex's eyes widened at my tone, but otherwise his depressed look seemed to worse. My dad on the other hand, sighed. "Kira listen to me. I know your upset, I know Alex didn't do exactly the right thing, but your losing yourself. Your beast- Your beast will take over if you don't accept Alex as your mate. I- I don't want to lose my daughter Kira. Please."

I blinked a couple time's staring at my father then stood up and growled. "I'm fine. Besides, its his fault to begin with and you want me to accept him as my mate?" I couldn't seem to get past that. I shook my head then groaned. "Leave me alone. Both of you." I clarified, then laid down on my bed with my back to them. I didn't want to be angry or snap at either one of them but I couldn't seem to help myself. Maybe my father was right, maybe my beast was trying to take over. I heard the door open then shut and sighed, then froze as I still smelt Alex. "Leave Alex." I muttered.

"Kira please listen to me, please! I didn't mean to hurt you so bad, I didn't mean for any of this to happen." He paused, and I stayed silent. "I know I fucked up, I know I can't change anything that I did but please give me a chance to win your trust and your love back. Give me a chance to prove to you that I do love you. I know it doesn't help but I still want to tell you why I did what I did-" He paused again, waiting to see if I would interrupt and just tell him to leave, but again I stayed silent. "It was stupid. I just felt so pressured that everyone was telling me who my mate was, it honestly had nothing to do with you. I was just feeling irritated that everyone seemed to have my life planned out for me. I just snapped. I took it out on you, because even though you didn't mean to you were the center of it. You weren't clingy, I loved your company and when you'd randomly tackle me. I loved feeling you next to me. I would do anything to have that back." He finally stopped to take a breath. "Kira I love you so much. I can't even begin to explain how sorry I am, or how much I missed you the past four months."

I closed my eyes against the rush of emotions. In a fucked up way, I understood him. I understood what a burden it could have been to be told every aspect of your life before you've even lived it. He was Alpha by birth, so automatically he not only had the extra training, the teaching, the rules everything that came with the title, but then on top of that he had every one teasing him and telling him who his mate would be since he was young. I knew that. I knew that..

"You hurt me so bad when you said those things to me." I whispered through the rollercoaster of emotions. "I was so in love with you, but I knew that I wouldn't try anything until we knew for sure if we were mates or not. You called me an 'IT' Alex. You let everyone else taunt me, and pick on me, you just completely abandoned me when I really needed you. And then, the day I had been training for all these years comes and you strip me of my position. You have taken so much from me. I just don't-" I trailed off, swallowing the lump that formed in my throat as the tears slipped down my face.

I felt my bed dip, and knew that Alex had sat down. I gasped when I was suddenly picked up and crushed against Alex's hard chest. I inhaled slowly and his scent filled my nose. I shuttered as I breathed out slowly. "I'm sorry Kira. I am. I'll tell you every day how sorry I am, and how much I love you. I'll show you both as well. I'll do anything you want me to, do anything you ask me to just please, please give me a chance. I love you so much, I don't want to hurt you, I don't want to lose you. I wish I was better with words, I wish I could have been a man back then and sucked it up. I wish-" I crashed my lips to his, to shut his rambling up. I didn't know exactly what I was doing, but his closeness and his scent along with my haywire emotions just made everything shut down. I needed him, to feel him, taste him.

Alex didn't hesitate to wrap his arm tighter around me as I wrapped my arms around his neck, my fingers tangling themselves in his hair. Alex nipped my lower lip, and I gasped as sudden pleasure shot down my spine. Alex didn't hesitate to deepen the kiss. His tongue thrust into my mouth, and I didn't fight him. I loved it, I loved tasting him. All too soon, Alex broke the kiss resting his forehead against mine. We both sat there with our eyes closed, panting.

"I love you Kira. I wasn't lying when I said I'd tell you and show you everyday how sorry I am and how much I love you."

I nodded slowly, "I expect you to. Don't misunderstand that kiss, it was purley for shutting you up." I lied, "I still don't trust you not to hurt me. But, wanted or not your my mate and I want to try."

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