Chapter 4

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** Kira **

Thankfully by time I showered, dried off and dressed in the ridiculous dress my parents were making me ware the cut to my cheek had healed. I looked at myself in the mirror and grabbed my make up, usually I wouldn't even bother but both my parents wanted me to look my best so I decided to put some eye liner, mascara, and a small amount of smokey eye shadow. The colors, along with the color of my black and white dress made my amythest eyes pop. I was at least happy to take after my mother when it came to looks. My mother was beautiful with her long black hair, purple eyes and her slighly tanned skin and my dad never stopped reminding me that I looked more and note like mom every day.

Once I was done I walked down stairs and hears my mothers stunned gasp. "You look stunning baby." She murmured as she engulfed me in a hug.
I laughed lightly and hugged her back, "thank you mom." I looked around, noticing my dad was missing. "Where's dad?"

My mom grabbed her stuff, and while she did I took the time to look over her beautiful dark grey dress. When she turned and seen me staring she hesitated, "do I look okay?"

I nodded instantly, "you look beautiful mom."

She smiled brightly, "oh to answer your question, your father is with Blayne." She ushered me out the door, and into the car as we drove the short fifteen minute drive to the pack house. Everyone in the pack was here tonight, and it only made me more nervous.

I got out of the car without saying anything and followed my mother inside. I noticed I was getting stared at but chose to ignore it, and held my head high. I seen my father talking to Alpha Blayne and Luna Akira and my mother and I made our way over.

Luna Akira instantly turned and grinned brightly, "Kira? Oh darling you look absolutely break taking." She gushed.

"Thank you Luna." I saif politley, then I felt my cheeks heat when Alpha Blayne, and my father turned to me. I didn't notice until then that Alex was there until I felt his heated gaze on me. I turned and locked my gaze with his. I felt the instant pull, the bond connecting us. I gasped in realization then broke the contact. I turned to my mother and excused myself before hastily turning and fleeing the room.

The room had suddenly become too small, too crowded. I couldn't believe it. I just couldn't wrap my mind around it, Alex was my mate? The same Alex that humiliated me in front of almost everyone and then called me harsh names, ignored me, and down right acted like I was a disease for the past four months. I shook my head. No, he didn't want me then or even before since I was apparently so pathetic I couldn't see that he just felt sorry for me. I knew what was coming and my heart broke more than what he did to me those months ago. Maybe it was because we had started the bond, I'm not sure but I was already close to tears.

I made it outside and took deep breaths trying to calm myself. The night air had chilled and against my heated skin it felt soothing. I stiffened instantly when I smelt the now noticeable and very intoxicating scent of Alex. I straightened my back. I won't let him see what he's caused and I won't let him know how much he affects me.

With that thought in mind, along with the memories of what he's put me through I showed only the anger, and pure hate that I felt for him as I turned to face Alex. He stood a nice distance away from me but I could see the shock, regret and even a bit of something else in his blue eyes. I ignored my heart as it fluttered at the sight of him, and how handsome he looked dressed in his tux.

He took a step closer, opened his mouth but nothing came out. "Well isn't this inconvenient." I said sarcastically.

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