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3 years later


Remembering the past wasn't always a bad thing, it helped you remember the choices you'd made that helped in taking part of who you were in the present. But, then there were memories from the past that weren't worth looking back on. Kira had one of those memories, and I would do anything if I was able to take them from her. For an entire year Kira had nightmares of the day she was taken, and for a whole year she had to deal with life as a normal human rather than the wolf she really was. Life was rough for her, but Kira had decided that enough was enough and had toughened up, sure there were days where I'd find her in our room crying but even then she was the strongest person I knew. It wasn't long after the nightmares stopped that we discovered that slowly Kira's wolf was coming back, we nor the doctors could explain why or how Kira's wolf had survived such a large amount of poison but no one was complaining.

A couple months later, Kira could shift again. But, even though she could shift again it didn't mean she could go off fighting or anything. Her wolf was highly weakened by being gone so long and most likely from the poison but Kira pushed herself. Everyone was rejoicing in the fact that their Luna had her wolf again. I pushed the thoughts away with a smile.

I rubbed the soft skin of her stomach as I stared down at her beautiful sleeping face. I couldn't help but smile when I seen her like this, peaceful, not hindered by nightmares. My eyes widened slightly when I felt the kick against my hand, looking down I watched as Kira's rounded stomach moved slightly. I leaned down, whispering to her stomach. "Shhh baby, mommy's sleeping. Your going to wake her up." I wasn't surprised to hear an almost silent laugh from above, looking away from Kira's stomach I looked into the lovelies and most beautiful amethyst eyes.

"Mommy's already awake, and has been awake for a little while.." Kira said groggily, her voice still heavy with sleep. "Good morning my love." She smiled down at me, her eyes shining with happiness, and love.

I leaned up and kissed her lips, "good morning my beautiful mate. Are you hungry?" I asked, wondering if her morning sickness had passed yet. It had been horrible watching my mate in such distress in not only the mornings, but the afternoon and sometimes in the evening. But, she took it in stride, and after each sick episode she'd rub her growing belly and whisper to our son or daughter.

Kira seemed to think about that for a moment then nodded, "I think I can eat." I got of the bed, pulling my jeans on, ready to go down stairs and see what we had for my mate when her hand shot out and stopped me from moving. "I want to come down too. I think its about time I left this room after you've had me held hostage this entire time, don't you?" She said almost seriously, but I could tell by the shine in her eyes that she was teasing me.

I was almost tempted to strip back down, but decided against it. My mate was hungry and obviously it was for food this time. I gave a smirk, "if you remember correctly my insatiable mate it was you who kept us locked away not I." I teased.

Kira laughed and rolled out of bed, giving herself a small bounce as she propelled herself up. I nearly laughed at her action remembering her complaint about how she felt like a beached whale who couldn't get out of bed, or off the couch if she laid or sat back to far but I was able to bite my tongue and hold it in. I really didn't want her to think I was necessarily laughing at her and make her upset.

Kira walked around the bed, and grabbed her robe. "I didn't hear you complaining at all about assisting me in my time of need Alex. But if you had something else to do, or didn't want to you could have just told me. I didn't meant to-"

I pulled her too me, instantly cutting off her rant as my lips smashed against hers in a hungry and passionate kiss. I pulled away after a moment, and smiled at her dazed expression. "I wasn't complaining mate, and I loved being here with you." I leaned in, and whispered lowly, seductively in her ear, "and inside you." I moved away as she slapped me playfully on the shoulder, blushing, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

"Food love, or else we may never leave this room." She said as she walked to the door, her hand automatically going to her stomach. I smiled and followed her out, and to the kitchen. We lived alone, and these were times that I was thankful for that. I loved my family, and the pack but while Kira was pregnant and as we began to start our own little family I knew that it was time for us to move out of the pack house and into one of our own. Kira hadn't complained and was somewhat happy herself. She missed the closeness but she didn't miss the noise or the cluttered mess the pack house sometimes became. We were happy. She was happy and really that's all I could ever want. Nothing was more important than my mates happiness and my soon to be son or daughters. And nothing and no one would change the fact that I was her Big, Bad Mate.



While this is the end for now I may make a bonus chapter, I'm not sure. Any who I hope you all liked the third and last book to the Big, Bad Series and thank you all for your support.

Big, Bad Mate #wattys2016 (Book Three)Where stories live. Discover now