Chapter 5

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** Kira **

I ignored the pain in Alex's eyes as I said that, and glared. "What do you want Alex? There really wasn't a reason for you to follow me out here." I knew I was being mean, but what did he expect?

"Kira- I- I didn't. I didn't know that-" Alex began but I cut him off, laughing. "What? You didn't know that I actually turn out to be your mate? Funny isn't it and very unfortunate from my point of view." I shook my head, feeling my emotions build up but I couldn't stop now. "I'll let you in on a secret, or so I thought it was a secret. I used to wish and hope to be your mate." I ignored his shocked face, "yup. Little me who was the pathetic loner. Yeah I always loved being with you, hanging out with you, going to the lake with you, everything that I did it was always so much better when I was with you. I didn't know that you were just pitying me, or that you felt sorry for me. I never would have guessed, I thought you enjoyed my company just as much as I did yours. But obviously it was all one sided. I knew that you were excited to find out who your mate was, and yes I knew what other's thought but-" I shook my head sadly. "I always thought that it would have been so perfect to find out we're mates, but now I'm just torn. I don't want someone as my mate who for as long as I can remember was my everything only to suddenly turn on me and call me all sorts of names, to humiliate me in front of everyone." I sighed, and rubbed my arms.

"Kira just let me, let me explain from my side. Please I didn't know what to do." Alex said, begging me for a chance to explain but I shook my head.

"No." I looked at him, and I knew that my eyes held tears but I couldn't do anything about them. "I said I wouldn't fuck up today as you put it, and I wont. You become Alpha, and I'll become Beta as it was supposed to be." Alex suddenly looked like he'd only just remembered that I was becoming Beta, but I kept going. "We're done talking about this." I muttered, and moved past him.

Alex grabbed my arm, stopping me. "Kira you can't be-" I cut him off again with an icy glare. "You wont take this away from me like you've done everything else Alex. You made your choice four months ago." I yanked my arm away from his hold, ignoring the loss of contact and walked away. I walked straight to the bathroom to fix my make up. I sighed when I looked into the mirror and seen the small smug marks of eye liner. "So much for looking my best." I laughed to myself. When I had fixed myself up, I walked out of the bathroom and rejoined my mom and dad who looked at me with concern. I shook my head, hoping they'd let it go.

Alpha Blayne grabbed everyone's attention as he walked up onto the stage, my father patted my arm and walked to the stage himself. I smiled slightly, trying to hide the turmoil that raged inside me. "We're here tonight to announce your new Alpha and your new Beta. Alex, my son and Kira." Alex moved onto the stage and I followed suit. I could feel Alex's eyes on me, but I just stared straight ahead, not wanting to look at him. "Alex," Alpha Blayne turned to Alex and smiled. "Do you promise to protect, provide and care for the Night pack as their new Alpha?" Alex said 'yes' loud and proud. "Then I, Alpha Blayne relinquish the Alpha title and all the responsibilities and obligations to you."

Standing beside Alex I could feel as he claimed the Alpha title. He was strong before, being an Alpha's heir but now the power rolled off him in waves. If I wasn't a Beta by blood I knew that I would have probably been swaying. Alpha Blayne turned Alex to me and then suddenly my father was in front of me smiling proudly, "Kira." My father said proudly. "you have accepted the position of Beta, as your birth right. Do you promise to be loyal, caring, and protect your pack?" My father asked, serious.

I said a quick, 'yes' before he continued. "Do you promise to protect and be loyal to your Alpha?" I blinked a few times and replied with the same answer. "I, Beta Thomas relinquish my Beta title and all the responsibilities and obligations to you, my daughter."

I sighed as I felt the new power flow into me, and then smiled brightly. After everything I've worked for. Alpha Blayne turned to the crowd and smiled, "I present to you, your new Alpha and Beta!" The pack erupted into cheers and shouts. When it was over I stepped quickly off he stage and my mother hugged me tightly. "I'm very proud of you baby." I smiled. "Thanks mom." I was suddenly grabbed from behind and turned to see Alex, his face grim as he dragged me away from the group.

I waited until we were outside before yanking my hand away from him. "What the hell do you think your doing?" I growled.

"You can't be my Beta." Alex said with determination.

My heart sped up at his words. "I already am! You can't take that away from me Alex, its my birth right to be Beta."

"But its your fate and destiny to be Luna!" Alex growled back. I stood there shocked, but quickly shook my head.

"No, its not. If it was you wouldn't have thrown me aside month's ago. You made that choice Alex. You didn't want me then, and I don't know why you suddenly want me now."

Alex moved forward and grabbed my shoulders, "because I love you!" Alex nearly shouted in my face.

I gasped, my heart beating faster. Then all the memories of what happened, and what was said makes me step out of his reach. "I would have believed that four months ago, before. Because you had to know I felt the same. But, things have changed. I've changed, and I don't believe you love me."

Alex's body shook, and I could tell from the darkening of his eyes that he was having trouble controlling his beast. "You believe I don't love you." He more stated it than asked, but I nodded anyways. He shook his head, clearly upset but then he straightened his back. "I do love you Kira, and I know that you don't believe me but I will prove it to you starting now. I Alpha Alex of the Night pack remove you Kira from the position of Beta."

I gasped and tears sprang to my eyes as I staggered, I looked down then looked back up at him. "H-how could you!" I screamed. I knew that the pack would feel the difference, and I wasn't surprised when my father, mother and Alex's parents ran out and stopped when they seen us.

"Alex what did you do?" Blayne asked, staring at him in shock. "You said you were pleased, what the hell did you do?" The pack had now come outside to figure out what was going on.

I looked at Alex, glaring with everything that I had but at the same time begging him to not say anything. Alex looked straight into my eyes as he spoke, "Kira is my mate and I wont have her putting herself in danger as my Beta."

I ignored the gasps from my parents and from his as I turned and ran away. I hated him! I hated him! I didn't stop running until I was locked in my room, sitting in the dark. What more does he have to take from me before he's satisfied?!

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