Chapter 2

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Training went as I thought it would, our instructor was oblivious to what happened four months ago so because he thought Patty needed the extra help he put her with me. I seriously wanted to tear into her by the end of training because of all her goading but alas in the end I got a good laugh when I knocked her on her butt.

The instructor seemed pleased with my work, but Alex on the other hand came forward and helped Patty up. He glared at me for a moment then smirked, "Don't be jealous." He said simply. I didn't react on the outside. Nothing to give away how shocked or how hurt I was by the comment. I simply shrugged and turned my back on the both of them. I didn't want, couldn't hear any more of the things that Alex wanted to say. It just hurt to much.


Day's passed, and I had very little contact with anyone other than my parents. I didn't want their company. I was lonely at first, but after a while I actually got more things done when I wasn't hanging out with people. "Kira." I heard my dad call. "Coming." I walked out of my room and down the stairs, I almost stumbled when I got to the bottom because Alpha Blayne, Luna Akira and Alex were sitting in the front room comfortably. I grimaced and moved forward, towards my dad.

"Yeah dad?" I asked, keeping my eyes on him even though I could feel Alex's eyes on me the entire time.

"Alpha and Luna came by to talk about the ceremony tomorrow. When Alex will become Alpha and you will become Beta." I just nodded, not trusting myself to speak. My father turned back to Alex. "Your happy with the choice of Beta?" He asked, and I forced myself to look at Alex to see just how much more he'd ruin my life.

Alex looked at me, his face unreadable. "I'm pleased with the choice." He turned his attention to my dad, and my heart fluttered in relief. Being Beta was all that I wanted, all that I had trained for and for once in the past four months I was thankful that Alex wouldn't tear that away from me.

Alpha Blayne stood up and smiled, "good. Kira you're perfect. I've heard the instructor praise your hard work. You'll be a perfect Beta." Blayne walked over to me and hugged me. I hugged him back happily. Since I grew up knowing both Alpha Blayne and Luna Akira they were more like family to me than anything else.

"Thank you Alpha." I said politely. I turned to my father who was smiling proudly of me, "can I be excused?" I asked. My father nodded, and I didn't hesitate to make my way back to my room. I shut my door behind me and laid on my bed. I'm so exhausted. I sat up and opened my corner drawer and pulled out a picture frame. I looked at the picture and frowned. It was of me and Alex at one of the many parties at the lake.

He seemed so happy and he didn't show any signs of getting irritated with me or that he was just pitying me the entire time. I heard my door open, and when I looked up I honestly expected to see my father or my mother but it was Alex. I calmly put the picture back in the drawer and shut it. I stood and looked Alex in the eyes.

"Can I help you with something?" I asked politely because even though we were in my room, I'm sure that my father and the others could still hear us if we yelled.

Alex stalked closer, he didn't say a word and I stood my ground. When he was close enough he took a big whiff and I couldn't stop the blush. "What the hell are you doing?" I said as calmly as I could.

Alex moved back, and I looked up noticing his eyes seemed darker. "You..." He shook his head and stepped back. "I just wanted to come and make sure you don't fuck up tomorrow. The whole pack will be there."

I shook my head, I had hoped that he'd become more civil with me but he's just the same asshole. "I wont fuck up as you put it. I'll do mine, just be sure to do yours." I moved around him and opened my door, "If that's all I'd like for you to leave now." Alex seemed hesitant at first, but then moved to the door. As he passed I couldn't stop myself from whispering. "Good luck tomorrow Alex." I seen him turn shocked but I shut the door in his face and then locked it.

I backed up until the back of my knee's hit the bed and then I collapsed. I could feel the tears buring my eyes but I blinked them away. I just wanted my best friend back, and I know that will never happen. He was cruel, harsh, and just down right nasty but even after all the things he said and how he made me feel I still cared for him. He was the only friend I had, and even if it was fake I was happy. I sighed and shook the thoughts away. Nothing will help now, I said to myself hoping to get myself out of this funk.

I heard a knock at the door, and went to open it. I seen my mother and father and smiled letting them into my room. "Honey we bought you something." My father held up a long, covered object and slowly unzipped it. I gasped when it revealed a sapphire blue dress. It was beautiful.

"Its beautiful!" I said breathlessly. I walked over and touched the material. "Thank you.." I whispered. My mother hugged me tightly. "I'm so proud of you Kira!"

"Thank you mama." I smiled and hugged her back, my father moved and hung the dress on my closet door. "We're going to bed now, make sure you sleep early because it's going to be a long day tomorrow." He announced and I nodded.

They left the room, closing the door softly behind them. I sighed and decided to shower and do my thing before climbing into bed to sleep. Laying in my bed, I thought about so many things that could happen tomorrow. Would Alex be on his best behavior? Would I? I wasn't able to answer or think more on those questions due to sleep claiming me.



Okay so this chapter wasn't as exciting or anything but still hope you like it.

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