Chapter 16

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I knew that I couldn't hide in my room forever, though the thought was appealing to me. I knew now that I had actually sat and thought about it that Alex didn't mean to hurt my feelings, but even knowing he didn't mean it didn't lessen the pain and self-doubting I had in myself. I wasn't fit to be Luna, especially acting like the child I have been. I needed to be stronger, I knew that wouldn't be easy in my state, but I had to do it.

Getting out of bed, I showered and dressed thinking about the apology I was going to give Alex and to the my parents. I had not only shut Alex out these last couple day's but I had shut them out as well. I knew they were worried about me, but I had to get through this on my own. I couldn't rely on their help. Maybe it was the stubborn or childish part of me, but I needed to accept that I wasn't a wolf any longer on my own. I needed to know that no matter if I was a wolf of not Alex and my parents would still feel the same. I walked out of the room, looking for Alex.

I felt myself become a bit of how I used to be confident, strong. I didn't want to think about what had happened while I was trapped with that rouge, and I didn't want that defining who I was anymore. I needed to get my feelings out, and be done with it. I found Alex, and my parents in the kitchen. I couldn't hear what they were saying to each other but I somehow knew it was about me. Walking up slowly, I tapped Alex's shoulder. I nearly jumped at how quickly he jerked around, and when he seen me his face was surprised.

"Kira! Baby I didn't mean it I swear." He said instantly, grabbing hold of my arms gently. He looked positively wrecked and I felt the guilt rise inside me.

"Alex.. Shhh, there's nothing to say. I know you meant it, but I know that you didn't mean to hurt my feelings. You weren't wrong in what you said, and I'm sorry I over reacted. I have been selfish lately and I'm sorry. You're my mate and your everything I've ever wanted and more. I don't want anyone else, and I don't want anyone else to have you." I said near a whisper due to my emotions. I loved Alex and more than anything I wanted to be his forever. Alex's closed his eyes for a moment then without warning pulled me flush against his hard, muscled chest. I didn't hesitate to rub my face against his chest, taking in his scent. I'd missed it so much over the past few days, and I didn't want to miss it again. "I'm love you Alex."

Alex kissed my head, "I love you too Kira, so much. I'd do anything for you, anything at all." I was content in our own little world, until I heard someone clearing their throat. I then realized that my parents were in the room, blushing I pulled away from Alex to look at my parents who smiled happily at me and Alex.

I moved closer to my mother and hugged her, apologizing to her for how I've been acting and did the same with my father. Neither seemed upset, only relieved that I was out of the room and feeling a bit better. We all knew that I couldn't get better over night, but this was a start right?

But I wasn't at all worried, I had my wonderful mate, my parents and my in-laws. Who could ask for more?

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