Chapter 14

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I had bared the company of my sobbing mother and my overprotective father until I was too tired to keep my eyes open. I'd learned that I had been asleep or well a coma for two whole weeks. I was surprised that I could even feel tired after being asleep for so long but the pack doctor had assured me that it was normal.

My eyes stung when I woke, and opened them and I noticed instantly that I was alone. I laid in bed, staring at nothing. My mind in turmoil, yes I had repetitively told Alex, my patents and also Alex's parents that I was okay, but I wasn't.

I was a wolf who now wasn't. I hadn't even got the chance to see what my wolfs color was or see how it felt to run, to hunt. I didn't get any of that, I wanted to kill Darius. I wanted to make him suffer like I was. Whether anyone else knew it or not he had won. He'd broken me. He'd taken away a part of me that well made me feel whole. I may not have had the experience but it was still a missing piece. I felt the tears fall, and I angerly swiped them away. How could I be Luna to a pack of wolves when I, myself couldn't even shift? I couldn't protect anyone.

My hands clenched the sheets in frustration but I instantly released them whem I heard the door open, looking up I seen Alex. He smiled as he walked over to me and I could feel my eyes stinging with tears as I watched how he moved, confident and powerful. He would be a great Alpha and I would only hold him back.

Alex must have sensed my emotions because he pulled me into his arms. As soon as I was solidly against his chest it was like a damn broke. I couldn't hold in the tears or how I felt so I cried, hard. I know it was a while later because by the time my tears stopped Alex's shirt was soaked.

"Baby, what's wrong? Did you have a bad dream? Are you hurting?" Alex sprouted off, worried.

I shook my head, grabbing his shoulders as I pushed away from him, putting some distance between us. "N-no. I just-" I trailed of unsure of what to say, if I should say..

Alex grabbed my chin, tilting my face up gently. His eyes- I could see so much love, and concern that it made my chest tighten. I felt like the moon goddess screwed him over for having me as his mate. "Kira what's wrong you can tell me anything."

I stared into his eyes, feeling my own eyes fill with tears again before I blinked them away. "I'm not good enough to be Luna. I'm not good enough to be your mate Alex. I'll always hold you back, the pack- I won't be able to protect them if I need too.. Maybe it's best if you or I r-rejec-" I gasped in surprise when I suddenly heard Alex growl and was pushed onto my back.

I stared up at Alex as he loomed over me, his eyes pitch black. "Don't even say it! You are mine Kira! MINE!"

Even though I didn't have the ability to shift everything between us was the same, naturally I could feel his anger over what I'd said, but even though he was threatening and dangerous as he loomed over me, I couldn't help but think that he was sexy when be got all riled up like this.

"B-but-" he cut me off by crashing his lips to mime. I didn't have time to react before he bit my lip almost painfully and then licked the sting away.

"Mine.." He repeated, his eyes going back to normal. I closed my eyes, trying to get my own emotions and mind under control.

"I'm scared Alex.." I admitted, opening my eyes.

Alex's expression softened. "I love you baby.. I will never love anyone as much as you never want anyone as much as you. Your my life and dont you ever forget it. Let me mark you.." He blurted.

I gasped and stared up at him, searching his face but all I seen was determination, love and hope? If he marks me he's stuck with me until one of us dies. I wanted more than anything to say yes but a part of me was still afraid. Was I being stupid? Was I over thinking? I was so confused.


Hey guys, I'm sorry about the late updates. I will try to update sooner. For those of you who are waiting for an update on 'Emerald and the Alpha' I'm hoping to get that up ummm for sure sometime this weekend (sorry had to think of what the day was haha.)

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