Chapter 7

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Sans kept his arms wrapped around his bro. 'How could anyone do this to my poor little bro..?' Sans thought. He looked up at Papyrus, who had his face covered from embarrassment. "H-Hey Paps.. You alright?" Papyrus looked at Sans, hugging him abruptly. "I-I just don't know Sans..!" Sans sighed and held closely onto Papyrus.

Mettaton woke up and quickly walked downstairs to see Sans standing at his feet. "S-Sans.. Oh thank goodness... Have you seen Papyrus?" Sans shrugged.

"You tell me... Since you two boned last night." Sans looked up into Mettaton's eyes, winking a sight of blue in his left eye. Mettaton crossed his arms, looking around the living room. "Where is Papyrus anyway?" Sans smirked. "He just left to go watch anime with Undyne and Alphys." Mettaton sighed. "Fine, I suppose I'll go to the Lab and see him there." Sans held out his hand, grinning up at Mettaton. "I wouldn't do that. Unless you wanna have a bad time."

Mettaton huffed and seductively winked at Sans. "Then I'll have to have some fun with you instead~" Sans blushed and tilted his head. "W-Wait.." Then, Mettaton grabbed Sans by the waist, pulling him up into Mettaton's arms. Sans wriggled and blushed fifty shades of dat pussy. "I-I'm not boning y-you Mettaton..!" Mettaton smiled and hugged Sans closely. "You're so cute when you're flustered."

~Time skip~

Papyrus walked into the house, exhausted from walking all the way from the Hotlands back to Snowdin. "Whew.. I am tired..." As he walked over to the couch, he heard Mettaton moaning, very loudly. Papyrus blushed and walked upstairs to Sans's bedroom. He opened the door to see... Mettaton. He was pouring nice-cream onto his body, looking over by the bed was Sans.. Recording him? Did Sans like Mettaton? The more you know...

Papyrus rushed through the door and crossed his arms. "Sans..! What are you doing with my boyfriend...?!" Sans shrugged. "I don't know. He woke up and asked where you were. Then he wouldn't leave me alone so I went out and bought some nice cream, then dared him to pour it all over his body."

Sans smirked, winking at Papyrus. "Besides, he seems excited about it." Papyrus watched Mettaton, who was seductively pouring the nice-cream on his butt. "W-Well then.. I'm going to make spaghetti." Sans waved. "Alright, we'll come down and eat once Mettaton takes a shower after this."

Papyrus nodded as he closed the door slowly...


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